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How do U make a Photo look 3D?

I was wondering if anyone knows what software to use or basically How do you make a normal everyday flat photo.. look 3D

I am talking about when the background looks farther away from the forground. We have been seeing this in allot of TV documentaries.

Not the process of when the foreground image "pulls" away from the photo and kinda pops off the flat image and the background is flat.. like a 3D movie.

But more, the whole image is still flat and the foreground image is forward and everything else in the photo in the background has depth.

I have some photos I have for this project I am doing and instead of just putting them in the video, I wanted to make them look cool.. kinda like allot of these ESPN 30 for 30 documentaries when they make old photos look 3D/cool :)

Not sure if this is what you're after, but it's a trick I've used to give depth to static pictures...

Cut out the subject (object, person, etc.) in Photoshop and paste it to a separate layer with transparency.

Use the Clone tool to fill in the background area where the subject was. (Essentially, make it look like the subject was never there.)

What you'll want to do now is bring the two layers into AfterEffects or a 3D app, with the subject/foreground out in front of the background.

The background might need to be enlarged slightly (and/or the foreground scaled down). For added realism, you can add curvature (concave with respect to the camera) to the background plane.

Once this is done, you can animate the camera to give a sense of depth, keeping in mind that more subtle movement is best.
One other thing...

For added realism, you can consider adding depth-of-field (if it's not existent in the photo).

I use Richard Rosenman's Depth of Field Pro because it simulates camera blur and bokeh really well... but you can use Gaussian blur if you don't have anything else.

For an even greater sense of depth, you can isolate other elements in the picture so that you have more than two planes. ie. you can have something in front of the subject (heavily blurred... I've used tree limbs and such before) or maybe just behind the subject, between it and the background.