Okay so it was groundbreaking because most movies back then that were that microbudget did not get a theatrical release. So how come Paranormal Activity was rejected from Sundance twice, as one user said?
No movie made for that amount of money had gotten theatrical
release - not "most", none. So it was groundbreaking.
My next question is going to come off as mean - please understand
that it is not.
harmonica, are you completely unaware of personal taste? Not
every good film gets into Sundance - very, very few good films get
into Sundance. The three people programing Sundance the years
"Paranormal Activity" was entered didn't like it enough to program
it. That's it. That's why it was rejected from Sundance - because
three people felt it wasn't right for the festival.
"Paranormal Activity" was 15 years after "El Mariachi" and 8 years
after "Blair Witch". Times had changed, the market had changed,
distributors had changed, festivals had changed. And the times are
still changing, the market is still changing, festivals are changing. There
are movies entered in this years Sundance that will not be programed
that might get distribution. One might even become a big hit.