Hi everyone, I am new to this board, and world of Indie Film Making. It's something I've had a hidden passion about for a long time, and have decided to jump in head first, and try and make my mark. I hope you don't mind me commenting on this topic, as I've been reading and following along for the past couple days (finally made it through all 17 pages).
I just wanted to add (for those that haven't read RR's book), he also gave a lot of clues to his execution to get distribution in the Spanish VHS market. He talks about putting most of the action in the first 20 min of the movie, figuring any exec watching, might only watch the first 30 min or so, and they would see an action filled 20 min. And he also points out, part of his strategy also hinged on the fact, that if a company picked it up, for something other then his intended purpose, he knew they would sink the cash into it to get it where they wanted it (35mm print and so on), so why spend the money himself? Would that work now a days, I really have no clue. His intention was to make three movies, for the Spanish market, then with the experience of that under his belt, come sailing into Hollywood as a semi veteran, but since no one there would have seen any of his movies, they would just look at him as some sort of wiz kid. I'm sure it also didn't hurt, as he writes, that he was making movies (bad ones, as he says), when he was 12 years old, and because of the way he had to edit (in camera, or vhs to vhs), it taught him to formulate things in his head, prior to shooting, so it kept takes to a min, and things moving along at a good pace.
Again, I hope you don't mind me throwing my 2 cents in, I have a lot of reading, throughout this forum, left to do, and hope to learn a lot, and contribute (if I can) in the future.