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"Hollywood Formula" Worksheet

I am always impressed about this site. There is always people helping each other
and the camaderie is very friendly.
What happenned ? Pl let us bury the hatchet and be friends Lol
I am always impressed about this site. There is always people helping each other
and the camaderie is very friendly.
What happenned ? Pl let us bury the hatchet and be friends Lol
And sometimes an argument can be helpful.

In this case we have all seen that our new member is
unfamiliar with the background and history of storytelling
and directors. Some of us love an internet argument (or
discussion) and there's nothing wrong with that. maralyn
isn't concerned with facts, cannot back up arguments which
leads to the repetitive nature of this one and has chosen to
call names.

But clearly we are enjoying this or we would stop.

We're all still friends here, padma. I'm out of this conversation,
others are too. It will blow over as all of these arguments, do.
An appropriate analogy, IMO, and with this, I'm out of this discussion as well.






I'm female, Rik. I know it's a hard assumption to break in this industry. :)
Early on I tried to get you to elaborate on your post and give us an example of formula or structure or whatever so we could understand your standpoint. You have refused for a couple of days now. What we have here is a person who would rather argue than support his own statements.

For the record, there are people here who have gone to film school and those who have not. I have yet to see anyone "dump" on film school, but many have said that film school is not a necessity and they are right. The 'masters' that you name are masters, but as Rik pointed out, not all of them went to film school. How elitist to imply film school is all important when so many of the Masters did not go to or finish film school. It would help here if your examples were accurate. I find it interesting that you refuse to respond to any direct question and wonder whether he went to film school because if he did, his examples would be better or at least accurate.

You're right. This thread is enough to make your eyes water. The post is the equivalent to saying Your Film Sucks and walking away. Pretty pointless to say the least. Certainly not constructive or educational.

-- spinner :cool:
Spec writers don't get their names in the credits -- they just get a very fulfilling lifetime career, doing what they love.

Not correct. If your spec is made into a film, the worst that happens is you get a Story By credit (there are some exceptions). Two two guys who wrote NOTTINGHAM (spec) which was completely rewritten into ROBIN HOOD got a Story By credit because the film began with their spec. My spec TREACHEROUS was run through the big sausage machine and the film is nothing at all like the script... but I got a Story By credit (and an apology from the producer at Fox).

Marilyn used to post insanity on the Done Deal message boards... and now she's here.

- Bill
Okay, professional spec writers...

I kinda thought that much would be implied in the context of the statement.

As Bill Said, not correct.

Also, It's easy to list spec scripts that were made into a movie and the writer did get a credit.

Spec Script just means that the script is being written without any speculation of the story being purchased/sold. That's it. Nothing magical or mysterious about it.

You are either writing a story on SPEC or you are writing on ASSIGNMENT. A SPEC usually brings assignments but writers go back to doing SPECS, Pet Projects, ideas they had. Yadda Yadda Yadda.
Opus -- I misunderstood which part of my statement you were correcting, originally. Now I gotcha. Correction noted.

Bill -- that's both hilarious and sad that they sent you an apology. Pretty awesome that you sold a script, though.