hey and welcome to both of you guys!
as for your question i have just graduated from a four year BA (Hons) degree in Film, Photography and Imaging, in fact i was actually at uni for 6 years since i changed course twice in the begining to study film in different universities, i.e. i was a stereotypical film student 4 years, and years, and years....
would i do it again though? mmmm....definately, but not the way i did, i went straight to university from high school cause thats what was expected and i ended up wasting three years of my university life messing around, changing courses and getting used to my new found freedom (i.e drinking lots and partying). Now maybe you guys are a lot more focused than me, and if so then go for it, but if i could go back and change things I would, go travelling for a year after school armed with a camera and some mates and have some fun. Then when its all out of the system, go and get stuck into the studies, and enjoy every lecture and project and essay, your paying to be there, so get the most out of it you can. I wish i had made more if those first three years (and the fact that you have free access to all the equipment and editing suites you wish - definately make the most of that one, am now so depressed looking into hiring costs for my new film!). and most of alll, throughout all of it, never forget why you are there and keep watching, making, writing, editing films, and keep your passion alive.
lol i sound like a no fear t-shirt