Hello from Portland

Hello from Portland, OR USA

Greetings all,

I am just a general run of the mill guy who fell into making films with a friend found out I enjoy the hell out of it and we just completed our third film. Now I am looking to network a bit, get a bit of advise where I can and perhaps give a little where I can.

Was a camera man on the first movie "The Tunnel", assistant director on the second "The Innocent" and production manager on the third "15".

Had a ton of fun working on these films and looking forward to making the next one. I am also starting my own production company "Dark Tunnel Productions" where I hope to be shooting behind the scene documentaries as well as some marketing concepts.

Anyway hello to everyone and hope to be posting in the below forums right away.

Thanks for you time.
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How about that. I'm in Portland too!

If you're looking to do some networking in-town, there's a great series of monthly (or near-monthly) meet-ups at nice bars. Usually over 100 people show up from all-purpose filmmakers to specialized crew, actors, writers, you name it. Perhaps you've already been, but if not PM me if you're interested and I'll send the info!