Hello from Hollywood

Hey guys, just checking around seeing what everyone else is talking about these days..

Look forward to conversing..

Feel free to ask me any questions about LA..
That ain't true! Depends on who you consider a nobody lol Is that a real question? Because if you're comparing us to NYC, then almost noone does, otherwise, ya people do walk in LA and more are because of gas prices. But since LA is sprawled out in general, walking from A to B can be very taxing... depending on where you're walking to of course. But it really depends on who you talk to despite what people on here may say or think.
Hi there, I am new here as well.

I have worked with Antoine Fuqua, Ashton Kutcher, Jerry Seinfeld, Ellen D, Wesley Snipes, and Tim Roth on all different kinds of jobs including commercials, music videos and day played on features.
I have worked with...

Just kiding.

I'll be moving out the LA (Studio City) next year. I hope to utilize the public transportation system, as my wife and I are going to try and 'one car it.'

I have a question about LA for everyone who knows what it is like out there:)

Do you think moving to L.A. is a good step for a screenwriter early on in their career?

Or is there no point until you are quite established as a sucessful screenwriter?

Thank you!
There is no answer to that question.

I feel if you want to be a ski instructor you need to live where
there are mountains and snow. If you want to be a surfer you don’t
live in Kansas. But that’s too broad a comparison because movies
are made all over.

In my opinion once you are a successful screenwriter you can get
OUT of Los Angeles. But until then it’s best to be in Los Angeles.
Like all industries and businesses, the movies are very social.
People love helping people they know; they love helping their
friends. If an aspiring screenwriter is in the business in some
way, making friends who are in the business, living where the
business does business, meeting people on a personal basis who are
in the business, I feel they have a better chance of being in the
right place at the right time.

But you are going to hear many people who will point out that many
writers have done well without moving to Los Angeles. So there in
no answer to that question.