Hate to burst your bubble, but...

Actually, I had a co-worker who had a phobia of zombies. She is an intelligent person. The logical side of her brain knows that this was a ridiculous fear. But phobias being what they are...

Anyway, she is constantly thinking about it, in the back of her mind. Any time she enters a new location that she'll be spending significant amounts of time at, she would scope it out to figure out the best escape route, in the event of a zombie attack.

Workplace. Friend's house. Classroom. Grocery Store. Favorite restaurant. Etc. She had a detailed escape-route planned for every location. And I do mean detailed.

Funny thing is, she's a totally normal well-adjusted functioning member of society. Bright, social, charming personality, all that good stuff. And you would never know she had this phobia if it didn't come up in conversation (like, debating the relative awesomeness or lameness of that stupid video game zombie movie series).

True story.

Great stuff. In terms of the "zombie apocalypse," I always thought if it as metaphorically possible - rather than the walking dead it's more of the walking "brain-dead." Much evidence to suggest we are well on our way to that one. :)

At the risk of sounding a bit like Cracker's co-worker I'll admit that when I evaluate an apartment, I always check for defensibility. How easily could I hold this ground in the event of something catastrophic? I joke about it with my gf as being a 'zombie' thing - but really, it's because I've lived in urban areas with high crime rates most of my adult life. :)

Great stuff. In terms of the "zombie apocalypse," I always thought if it as metaphorically possible - rather than the walking dead it's more of the walking "brain-dead." Much evidence to suggest we are well on our way to that one. :)

lol. Interesting point. Is that the general fanboy consensus?
What's that? I thought 28 Days Later was a zombie flick. :huh:

This is what I get for avoiding scary movies...

It is absolutely a zombie-flick, in my opinion, but many zombie-nerds will argue that on a technicality, they are not zombies, because they are not undead -- they just have a virus that makes them bat-shit-crazy.
Actually, I had a co-worker who had a phobia of zombies. She is an intelligent person. The logical side of her brain knows that this was a ridiculous fear. But phobias being what they are..

Dude, I'm the same way. But hey, if youre prepared for a zombie attack, you are probably prepared for just about anything.

And to the technicality of 28 days. Most would define zombies as the Romero types. While 28 days "zombies" would be referred to as "infected". Same thing with the new day/dawn of the dead; they are infected. But there is an arguement there because the people do die first. But do they if they reanimate so quickly?? Just remember this, better to be prepared than to not.....but I digest :)
lol. Interesting point. Is that the general fanboy consensus?

Not that I know of; just a conversation I had with a buddy a while back that led us to that conclusion.

A good friend of mine is a true zombie movie fanboy. He is looking forward to a real zombie outbreak - lol.
People in the know, know that it's not the Zombie Apocalypse you have to worry about. It's the Ghoul Apocalypse that's the real threat.