
Rather then edit my short, or work on other film stuff, I took the weekend "off" lol

Camping with my son. (9 years old)

my video post card
Dude, you're missing the perfect opportunity to cgi in some volcanic eruptions!

Use GoToMyPC tablet-version to access AEFX back home, and repost it. It's not too late...

You gotta work on your audio.
There's ambient static in the background that sounds like... rushing water.
audio is NOT from the footage.. astute ears would have detected the distinct call of the blue footed horn bill nectar dipper native only to three islands in the south pacific. I'm saddened that you all fell for so obvious a hoax. ;)

Of course I have some footage where my boy falls to the ground and the camera shakes just perfect for trying to CGI an eruption..
I'm often gullible to such ruses.
I woulda sworn it was a black capped chickadee, but what do I know?
I'm just an alien from another time.

Actually, it might be a Chestnut-backed Chickadee.
Try the "Chicka-dee and seet calls"

LOL! Man, you have got to try to just intercut a few moments of your son and camera shakes!
Just fer schitzengiggles.
In all your spare time of course.
In all my spare time, too.

Actually, I was wondering about something similar to your suggestion just the other day.

Before you got all busy with commercials and your new (feature-worthy) steampunk short, it looked like you were (instigating) hosting somewhat regular video production challenges.
(I showed up on the IT scene just in time for the last one.)
Anywho, I was thinking an "interesting" challenge would be to upload to youtube several minutes of several unedited clips for what could be a <60-90 second short that contestants would edit themselves.
See what several people do with the same raw material.

Just an idea.
I'm right onit.

Okay, actually, I'm right beside a donut.

Now the donut is being retrieved from the box.
And is now entering...

Going to take a nappy, now.