
Not a big fan of 3D here. I think the movie was very unique, on the other i didn't really like it that much for the lack of a story. To be honest, nothing really happened.
nothing really happened.

I think that the film has lots of complexity and layers, but it's not visually shown. It's a character going through a spiritual journey, trying to deal with the gravity of her emotions, and acknowledging and accepting the pain she has had from her losses.
George Clooney is symbolic of her daughter, and the space rubble and pieces of satellite that come and nearly kill her are symbolic of her pain and grief that resulted from her loss
. It's a film that uses minimalism and symbolism to great effect. You have to look beyond what you watched, and think about what the things that happened in the film affected and changed the character's lives. On the surface, the film seems simplistic, but if you dig deeper, you find something much more powerful and complex.
You might be right, i should probably watch it again. I'll wait for the dvd though cause my next stop in the cinema will be Howards Rush for sure.
Gravity was a great film............... But I still hold 2001 A Space Odyssey miles above it. But that may be also because I'm so into old classic movies :lol:
Visually and effects wise I'd say this movie is great but story wise it's bland. Plus it has such a bland title too might as well have just called it Space. The marketing for this movie was hyped up too much. Overall the movie was okay. I would've liked a better story line.

I'm sure they'll make a killing at the box office and be up for some awards.....Oh joy.

I agree with most of this. I think it was well overhyped. After seeing the reviews and everyone raving about it, I went into this movie thinking it would be the greatest movie ever made.

It's not.

The visuals are incredible, yes, but I also thought the story was relatively boring and predictable. Not to mention not believable at times. For me personally, it took me out of the movie when those kinds of outrageous things happened. Like "Oh, another thing went wrong that would never in a million years happen."

I don't know. I can suspend my understanding of reality for something like Star Wars where I'm not supposed to believe it's happening in our world. Not so much for this movie where it's portrayed as something that could happen to real astronauts when some of the things just wouldn't ever happen. Just my opinion.

I agree with Chimp, though, that the title is a pretty good title. I quite like it, actually.
Hahaha! That onion review was awesome. :lol:

I'm with Chimp -- this movie isn't just a tale of survival. Yeah, it is that, but it's also very much about her emotional journey, and you'll mostly only find that in the subtext.
Hahaha! That onion review was awesome. :lol:

I'm with Chimp -- this movie isn't just a tale of survival. Yeah, it is that, but it's also very much about her emotional journey, and you'll mostly only find that in the subtext.

The film can be viewed two ways: as a Hollywood blockbuster about a women drifting through space, or a internal emotional journey. If I ever had a large budget in my hands, that is what I would want to do - make a film that can be viewed and interpreted by both average movie goers and cinephiles, a movie that can be seen in different ways, as a formulaic Hollywood movie or as a deep emotion journey filled with symbolism and beauty. When a director can masterfully find a balance between the two, I consider that the sign of a filmmaking genius.

I'm looking forward to his next film :yes:
It seemed to me that director simply decided to ignore the "2001: Space Odyssey",except for a "homage" of a floating pen. The sound of methodical breathing in 2001 for 10 or 20 min in a cinema is a terrific experience and superb sound design. A heavy,fast breathing which is soooo common to Hollywood and indie films is so freaking annoying. Panic attack can last a certain point,but when you are running out of oxygen the last thing you will wanna do is talk about philosophical matters and breathe fast.

Superb graphics failed to render either believable or artistically original physics. If you remember a scene from 2001 where a pod picks up dead body,the spot on movement of a body in outer space is fascinating and terrifying at the same time. Space in 2001 is evil and unforgiving,merciless and emotionless. Cuaron's space is clumsy,noisy,filled with constant bumping of bodies into objects and annoying breathing. It is not empty enough and it is way too close to Earth to become legitimately terrifying,hence the happy ending.