I saw a pre-release of Prisoners - outstanding movie. No amazing visuals like Gravity but a riveting storyline (and great acting) that will keep you in suspense and guessing until the end.Prisoners is also on my list.
I saw a pre-release of Prisoners - outstanding movie. No amazing visuals like Gravity but a riveting storyline (and great acting) that will keep you in suspense and guessing until the end.Prisoners is also on my list.
Really looking forward to seeing this one.
nothing really happened.
You might be right, i should probably watch it again. I'll wait for the dvd though cause my next stop in the cinema will be Howards Rush for sure.
Visually and effects wise I'd say this movie is great but story wise it's bland. Plus it has such a bland title too might as well have just called it Space. The marketing for this movie was hyped up too much. Overall the movie was okay. I would've liked a better story line.
I'm sure they'll make a killing at the box office and be up for some awards.....Oh joy.
Not sure what to make of this Gravity review...
Hahaha! That onion review was awesome.
I'm with Chimp -- this movie isn't just a tale of survival. Yeah, it is that, but it's also very much about her emotional journey, and you'll mostly only find that in the subtext.