Perhaps you could focus on one essential task it does best and perfect it and then license that task. Or is this similar to your goal?
Right now development speed is moving so fast due to more powerful tools becoming available, That I'm producing one submodule or another for my main program that does some tasks like you're talking about, about every two or three days. I've thought about breaking off some of these modules and licensing them but the problem is taking on the workload of trying to market and manage something small that wouldn't necessarily make a ton of money, While simultaneously trying to pursue a much larger goal that's worth exponentially more.
In example yesterday I spent 13 1/2 hours building a task specific module that simply finds and eliminates near duplicate video files in very large folders. It has its own built in custom media player that allows the client to specifically review and delete or move any video file located in the clients selected directory and fitting a set of criteria set by the client. It's extremely useful to someone like me who is dealing with thousands of files per week and copying them around a different directories where minor duplication accidents happen all the time, But who knows who else that might be useful to. Locating my customers would cost more than my customers would pay me for that exact module.
It's now the best tool in the world for that niche task, But it would probably cost me more to market it properly than it would make. One of the now 38 sub modules can watch any size folder of video clips and sort them into directories automatically by Anything you might search for. This footage contains dog that footage is at night etc. Two months after I built it adobe announced something similar as part of creative suite. Even if I had gone full in on marketing that module as a standalone program it would have become valueless before I got my money back. It's not that I didn't design it well, it's not that it didn't work perfectly, it's not that it wasn't useful, they weren't smarter than me, they weren't faster than me, But they have one million times the funding. That's just going to keep happening unless I do something so far beyond what they're thinking about that they can't catch up to by spending three decades of my salary in one afternoon. I'm literally finishing one of those essential tasks every couple of days like clockwork, but it's the larger machine the orchestrates all those small parts synergistically that I believe will actually provide me with a win.
One day this week I spent about 12 hours building an ai file renamer, Which is a lot harder than it sounds. You type a prompt into the gooey such as " Sci-fi blues song names" And point it at a directory and it will give every file a unique song name around that theme. This kind of thing saves a lot of time for someone producing 2000 music tracks a month, But I couldn't see myself getting rich off of it.
Unfortunately the modules that are really truly valuable are the ones that I need to keep secret. I did think about exactly what you're suggesting for a while, Selling off each small advancement piecemeal, But I think ultimately I'd be shooting myself in the foot because a lot of these unavailable components would kind of suggest my hidden goals once they were out in the wild and enough people started thinking about the possibilities. People will have a lot harder time putting 2 and 2 together if I don't box up 2s and sell them to everyone.
Lastly some sections of this pipeline would be kind of dangerous in the wrong hands, kind of what Mara and Celtic are talking about. I could probably make quite a bit of money right now by putting some of the main modules on the market, But the insane flood of content that would occur if I did that would bury me and everyone else. It's a very tricky situation moving forward, and just like with agi, everyone is aware that they should slow down and be careful, but none of us can, because in every case it's the least careful person who gets the product to market fastest, who wins all the financial power to determine what's happening going forward. Honestly this whole thing is a recipe for disaster. My current strategy is to land one big hit that sets me up to retire and then bow out of the circus before things get out of hand, which I guarantee they will.
I'd love to give people here on indietalk this system and just see what they came up with using it. But then one person gives it to a couple of friends, Then they publish it to the torrent sites, And six months later there are 500 billion hours of new video on Youtube and the entire market collapses. These modules that I can't talk about, They're as much of a problem as they are a solution.
What I really need is an investor that understands the need for secrecy. But you can see how it's hard to get investment when you're trying to make sure no one gets wind of how your technology works.