Getting Really High

thats nuts, everytime i thought he was almost done, there would be more stairs to climb!

nice find!

i think this is the first time ive experienced vertigo sitting on my bed.
Yeah, that link sucks (like Nick and Zen, I couldn't view it). The youtube clip is reliable:
CF's embed is the same video, but hosted by youtube as opposed to the science website AA linked to, just so those who couldn't view it know :)

Also, to comment on the actual video, how is that even legal? With no ropes or anything. 'Free climbing is more dangerous of course' ... really? OYG! You could not pay me enough to get up there.
Um no... your doing it wrong. your supposed to use the safety equipment. This video was hard to watch. I dont care how many planes i jump out of, im still scared of hights. hell that tower is higher than all the jumps iv done.
When I was a kid, I used to climb cliffs. Don't let me exaggerate. I don't mean, like, straight-up rock-climbing cliffs, but more like really steep hills, ones which you could find a place to rest, in between your vertical traversing. Actually, to be exact, here's a pic of one such cliff I climbed, sometime around the age of 13:


My goal wasn't to climb rock, but to get to the top, so of course, I didn't take the sheer face over on the right, but climbed through the trees and shit, leaving not much actual cliff to climb. Let me tell ya -- climbing up ain't the tough part. Getting down is SCARY!

I left my wallet at the top of the antenna.

I don't know why they didn't bring a RED camera to film that with. That fish-eye Flip didn't look too good. They should have brought some lights with them, too. And how about a mic boom to hear the guy breathing, huh? Jeez. How inconsiderate of them.

You think it would be more windy.
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With no ropes or anything. 'Free climbing is more dangerous of course' ... really? OYG! You could not pay me enough to get up there.

I agree, I couldn't even finish the video it was so terrifying to me.

But if you want to see something really insane, check this out:

"Spiderman" Climbs 57-Story Building Bare-Handed

Hopefully that video will play in your region, but the story says it all. And can I just add: why is it always a Frenchman?

It's funny that footage of what Robert does doesn't terrify me. It must be the power of POV in Alcove's vid. My heart would stop every time he looked down.
Heh, here's another WTF job:

"As long as the helicopter stays away from ground, we can bring ourselves to the same voltage as the line."