George Lucas is retiring.

Ok, he may have been joking, but it seemed dead serious to me when I watched it. When GL was on John Stewart, he said that the Tuskegee Airmen was actually the middle of a trilogy.

Momentary pet peeve:
At least he won't be ruining the dual trilogy any more.
They're not ruined, they're sitting on my shelf, as nice as they ever with! I can't fault Lucas for wanting to play with his toys, and the theatrical cuts were available on dvd (the lack of which was the only thing I ever complained about seriously). Yeah, Episode 1 was annoying and Episode 2 was worse, but damned if I won't go see them all again, 3d-wise, as they come out (I don't even particularly LIKE 3d movies). Absolutely cool if you don't like his special editions. But if you liked the original cuts, well, they're still there. As an aside, I feel the same way about most remakes and adaptations. Even if I don't like them, they can't ever ruin the original! I'm a glass half full kinda guy!

Offtopic rant aside, this could be good, actually. I like Lucas in his huge scale heroic action movies, obvious homage to classic films and fanboy-ish tributes to adventure serials. I don't know how I'd feel about him doing intimate artsy films, but I'm curious to find out. I'm definitely in favor of someone stepping outside of their creative safety zone.
George Lucas has been saying this exact quote since 1978....Personal experimental films.

I don't see him doing any more Star Wars films, because he's been so panned for the prequels.

I wish he would do more blockbusters instead of fiddling with his movies, but, if he did do the blockbusters, he could ruin the saga even more. So I'm ambivalent.
For anyone who has seen what Francis Ford Coppola has been doing since 2009 and YOUTH WITHOUT YOUTH, TETRO, etc. that's probably more the arena that George will enter into. Self financed movies with no input from anyone other than who they ask.

Why is this non-news such news? George will do what he wants, when he wants - he can afford it. I didn't care for all the tinkering on the Star Wars films; I guess he didn't have anything else to do. And every "biggy" talks about making intimate or personal films; 98% of them never deliver.
I agree that it's his business tinkering with his story. However, I also agree that he is no longer the sole owner of the original trilogy. I like the Leonardo analogy. If Leonardo, by some miracle of time travel, appeared now in the Twentieth Century and wanted to deface the Mona Lisa, would we let him? Hell no. We'd be like, uh-ah, oh no you don' crazy.

I think the whole oh, sorry, we destroyed the originals when we did the initial digitalization and modifications thing to them smells funny. Really? Screw property rights and all that. Please. When the original Star Wars became the cultural phenomenon that it did, then I think he seized to be the sole owner of them. For Goodness sake, the originals became a part the Joseph Campbell mythos! Anyway, all that fans of my generation ask is that the originals be made available. That is not too much to ask.

And what am I going on about, anyway? I don't even really care, I guess. The Star Wars universe/franchise peaked with Empire. There's no denying the power of, Luke...I am your father. Maybe he had the rights to ef with them they way he has, but yeah, it sucks what he's done to them. Take it back, George, take it back.

But at least Star Wars isn't the only game in town. Now us geeks have alternatives like the Harry Potter or the Lord of the Rings universes to embrace. I'm guessing J.K. Rowling won't be altering the Harry Potter a positive contrast.
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But at least Star Wars isn't the only game in town. Now us geeks have alternatives like the Harry Potter or the Lord of the Rings universes to embrace. I'm guessing J.K. Rowling won't be altering the Harry Potter a positive contrast.

As the world market gets bigger, there will be more opportunities for more franchises, and that's good news for us.
When he's dead can we have the original and unaltered SW Trilogy on Bluray?

Rumor has it he destroyed the originals.

George Lucas did not destroy the originals, you can thank the labs from 1977. Many of the original negatives were sent to laboratories to get the screen wipes done. At the time, STAR WARS (at least Episode iV) was predicted to be an enormous failure. The labs tossed the original negatives of all the scenes that lead in and lead out with an optical wipe. That's why the whole scene about stormtroopers in the desert finding the empty shuttle with CGI dewbacks as well as the all new shots of the Jawa Sandcrawler were done and inserted - BECAUSE the original negatives were destroyed or lost.

I agree that it's his business tinkering with his story. However, I also agree that he is no longer the sole owner of the original trilogy.

Is there a legal precedent you have for removing his copyright and ownership?

The movies are unequivocally, legally, and in every way HIS. George Lucas owns his movies and can do whatever he wants with him. I agree with you about how he SHOULDN'T, but he has every definition of "rights" to do it.

Look at how BLADE RUNNER released 5 version of the movie on DVD, HD-DVD, and BLU RAY and fanboys (like me) ate it up. IF George Lucas wanted to, he could find a way to release the originals in the best quality possible, but since he doesn't - that is his right as both the creator and rights holder.

It sucks, but you can always write and direct your own movie the way YOU want to and we'll see how the public will want to take away your ability to control how it is viewed. Maybe you can do an experiment of making a movie, but release the raw footage, then let other people dictate to you how to best have your movie represented. I'm sure everyone would love to no longer control their own work in such a way.