If only he could have retired BEFORE he raped the Star Wars franchise...
Lucas: Well, it’s not a religious event. I hate to tell people that. It’s a movie, just a movie.
The controversy over who shot first, Greedo or Han Solo, in Episode IV, what I did was try to clean up the confusion, but obviously it upset people because they wanted Solo [who seemed to be the one who shot first in the original] to be a cold-blooded killer, but he actually isn’t. It had been done in all close-ups and it was confusing about who did what to whom. I put a little wider shot in there that made it clear that Greedo is the one who shot first...
...but everyone wanted to think that Han shot first, because they wanted to think that he actually just gunned him down.
That seems quite believable. If he says that Greedo shooting first was always the intent, who's to say otherwise?
Burden of proof is on him - does he have any memos or video recordings from the 1970's to show his original intent?
That’s the idea, Solo. You will come outside
with me or must I finish it here?
Not only did Han shoot first, but he was also the only one who shot.
But, right, that doesn't mean that that's what they ultimately filmed or edited or chose.
Did it occur when they actually filmed the scene or when they edited? Or did it come years or decades later when/if Lucas had a change of heart and decided to excise it?
Uhhh... yes it was, 'cos when thousands of cinemas across the entire globe premiered the film in '77, that's exactly what tens of millions of people saw. Multiple (depending on their fandom) times, each.
It was still common, back then, for cinemas to carry a staple film for months (or even years!) on end btw. That's a lot of collective memory to impression, just sayin'.
At the 20th anniversary release, in the cinema. Complete with a lot of other out-of-place material... that to be fair, was trying to replace lost or damaged footage that never made the original cut... that still looked like misplaced ass.
What bothers me is not that he changed it - he has every right to
change his movies - what bothers me is he tries to convince us
that his intention all along was to have Greedo shoot and Solo
defend himself.
That is not reflected in the script. There is clearly one shot
fired. In the film we saw in 1977 - and still available on VHS on
laserdisc - there was one shot fired.
The intent of what's written in that excerpt seems clear, crystal clear.
Well, I would agree that Jediism as a religion is silly, so those adherents should know that it's just a movie - or, more accurately, they're just movies. But I do like movies, and I am aggravated that one of my favorite movies (Empire) is changed and changed again, and I don't have the option to see the original.
This, by the way, like the colorization debate of the 1980's, when B&W movies were colorized. The difference, of course, is that people can see movies in both versions. That's not the case here.