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Free Loot & Baghdad Texas trailer

UPDATE - Articles on Baghdad Texas scheduled to run in The New York Times and other major news outlets. Links are posted here as they appear. Check it out!

Click here for the trailer for our comedy Baghdad Texas, filmed using an all-Texas cast and crew. In 2009 we won the Best Narrative Feature and Audience Choice awards at The Moondance International Film Festival and won the Best Script award as well as a nomination for Best Actress (Melinda Renna as "Carmen") at The Strasbourg International Film Festival.

Theatrical premiere is in New York at the Quad Cinema (Greenwich Village) on August 27th, to run for a week, five shows daily.

We have songs from the soundtrack up on MySpace! (/loudhouserecords)
Follow us on Twitter @LoudhouseAustin!
Be our friend on YouTube!
Find us on facebook (Loudhouse Productions)!

If you are currently active in the film, music, media or promotional industries, we'd be happy to send you a copy of the soundtrack, a press kit and a t-shirt! PM me for details.
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WOW!!! That looks hilarious. Where can I get a copy??? PM me please.

Thank you! We're proud of it.

We're actually not releasing copies of the film except for promotional purposes and to festivals, because our premiere date is August 27th. As soon as we're distributing, you'll be the first to know! ;)

Any plans for Netflix release?

At the moment, I couldn't say. Right now we're concentrating on the upcoming premiere in New York. There may be in the future!

(Welcome to the site BTW)

Thanks! Everyone's been so nice.
Looks like a fun film!

Thanks! I'm hoping that a New York member or two might decide to check it out at the theater!

By the way, we would love to be friends on YouTube, and to follow forum members on Twitter. Our Twitter is LoudhouseAustin. I just set up both sites.
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Thank you everyone!

If any of you are active in the film or music industry, please PM me if you would like a copy of the soundtrack, a press pack and a t-shirt.
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I PMed you about a press kit. I'll wear the T-shirt around NYC if it looks cool ;)
We have a reviewer send me the info and I'll see if he can make it.