archived-videos Freak Out?

Freak Out! UK Slasher Fun!

Hi, I'm new to this forum, so forgive me if you guys have already talked about this movie.
It's called FREAK OUT and it was screened at my University (Bristol) last year, it was made for £30,000 on film by a bunch of first-timers and it's a really inventive, hilarious little home-made horror-comedy.

According to their site Anchor Bay have just picked it up so it's a well deserved rags-to-riches story.

The trailer can be seen here;
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Trailer made it hard to tell if it was a comedy or just plain spoof of the genre, but looks like it's got a lot of laughs in it.

It's definetely a comedy. But I am a hardcore gore fan and I loved it! It's not like Scary Movie where they just copy scenes from movies, these guys are obviously totally submerged into horror-movies. I lost count at all the little winks and nods from Elm St to Black X-Mas and BrainDead, it does have a few neato :D jumps here and there and some howlingly wacky home-made fx. But it's the one-liners and surprisingly snappy dialogue that won me over. Not quite Kevin Smith but ALMOST!
Hi Forum People,

I'm new to this place but I like what I see already!

The thread caught my eye on this post, that UK horror-comedy 'Freak Out' sure is making the rounds! It's been all over the net and I'm amazed at how great the word of mouth on this thing is! There's like so many good reviews. I think the trailer looks ace and it must have mass appeal for festivals like Fantasia to show it. This will most likely be a DVD I just buy without having previously watched. I REALLY HOPE it's packed with extras 'cos it will be nice to know how they did it on so little money...I guess a lot of us on this thing are trying or would like to try and make our own movies and these guys seem to have done exactly that.

Hey Bud,

Hadn't heard of it before it was posted here, but then that's the way to get the work known :) . I just visited the "Freak Out' downloading the trailer as we speak, hopping on a plane to the Bahamas and I figure it'll be loaded and ready to view when I return home in a week :lol: (I have dial-up and a verrrrry slow pc).

The synopsis is hilarious, so if the piece reflects that feel, it should be pretty funny. A spatula as choice killing implement, haha...wait a minute, didn't they used to perform lobotomies that way :hmm: ?

Wonder why they were so hard on the sound guy :D .
Okay, so now the post has been moved back to the Screening Room. The original post did not link directly to the trailers (if I remember correctly).

Loved the trailer! Especially the use of the Williams/Powell score from Antz (one of my favs). The flick looks like a lot of fun, possibly even funnier than Shaun of the Dead.

I loved Shaun Of The Dead but although that flick has more realism to it and obviously has the benefits of studio cash behind it I found Freak Out a lot funnier and it's limited budget kind of helped it's goofy charm.
Great dialogue and nifty ideas don't cost a dime! Is there anyone else out ther that's seen it??

Oh and thanks for pointing out the ANTZ score - it was bugging me what music they'd used, I thought it was Cutthroat Island! :lol:
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Bird's going to the bahamas??

Bring me back a sombrero and a crazy tropical shirt please.

Hope you did manage to download that Freak Out trailer, I think it's a great trailer, made me giggle. Like Poke says, looks a tiny bit like Shaun Of The Dead but on about 1 millionth of the budget.

I'm all for that 'don't give a damn' kind of filmmaking. Although I like Shaun of The Dead, I think Freak Out looks like it will be more ramshackle, perhaps a bit like South Park?

FatCyborg - how come YOUR uni got to see it?

I did watch the trailer and as stated by the above members, it looks like a heckuva lot of fun!

Crazy, tropical shirts?.......If it were up to me i'd bring ya back one, but , along with 'jackelopes' I think are a level 5 threat to homeland taste :D
Great trailer! I am really interested in this film. Great cinematography and sound quality. Looks very professional. I think this film should do pretty well, because the story seems to be well written in addition to all the other great things. Good luck, man!

Oh yeah, and congradulations for getting into Cannes. That's big time, bro.
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LOGAN, thanks for the compliments but this isn't my movie! I'm just a fan and wondered why no one was talking about it.

Bud - I saw FREAK OUT at Bristol University (UK) earlier last year when some of the guys behind the film were taking it on a mini-tour, they screend the film on DV although it was shot on film and they then asked us to send them e-mail anwsers to some questions we were given - so I'm guessing we didn't see the final FINAL version. Apart from it being projected thru DVD it was pretty darn great and I told them that in my e-mail.

Your South Park comparison is a good one, this is as funny and original as TEAM AMERICA. F*ck Yeah!

I checked out IMDB and tehy have their own page:

Once again has anyone out there seen this movie apart from me??!! :weird:
Woaah! I've actually SEEN this!

I read this site alot, but havn't posted. Havn't made anything...yet , and havn't seen anything...until now!

I was studyiing at Oxford and these people came and showed this film. The guys who made it were there and one of them got up and introduced it.

The turn out was mediocre(about 40 people) and I felt pretty embarassed to be there, didn't want to be there 'cause they would see my dissapointment, and I usuallly don't go for low budget stuff. I like some Kevin Smith stuff, but grotty horror not for me, really.

Anyway it was actually DAMN good stuff! It gets off to a shaky start, but about half an hour in had me hooked. Unlike most low budget films, it doesn't run out of puff, but rather build up steam as it goes.
I gave in my email address and gave them some feedback, as requested, expected to never see this again.

Super-shocked to see it here, AND ITS COMING OUT. Trust me, low budget film fans are going to love this.
Jumanji! (you'll know what I mean when you've seen it) I know it had toured many Universities by the time it got to Ox (I think we may have been the last), a friend of mine saw it in Plymouth and really liked it.

I looked on the Anchor Bay site, but couldn't see any details. Anyone know whats gonna be on the DVD?
Wow guys, I must be the only person in the whole of England not to have seen this film, heard of it or read anything about it. ;)
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i've seen it

Hi Guys,
Just joined up today and saw the freak out forum. I've seen it and i'm good friends with the guys. Its great stuff and the DVD is going to be sweet. Lots of goodies for us. Lovin indietalk guys. :) Dan Palmer is starring in a project of mine at the mo. He's a comic legend in the making.