archived-videos Freak Out?

Freak Out! UK Slasher Fun!

Hi, I'm new to this forum, so forgive me if you guys have already talked about this movie.
It's called FREAK OUT and it was screened at my University (Bristol) last year, it was made for £30,000 on film by a bunch of first-timers and it's a really inventive, hilarious little home-made horror-comedy.

According to their site Anchor Bay have just picked it up so it's a well deserved rags-to-riches story.

The trailer can be seen here;
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I see this movie we've all been chatting so much about has made it into a festival called FEARLESS TALES.

I'm a John Landis fan, so was tracking his moves a bit and he is gonna be there too to do a Q&A - bigtime wowsers!

I'd love to go and catch Landis and Freak Out!

Anyone go to this thing last year? Tobe Hooper premiered 'Toolbox Murders' there.

They're website is:

Hear from you soon Indietalkers.
Landis should make another movie! I saw 'Toolbox Murders' (the Tobe Hooper version) a while back, it's very poor... when compared with stuff like Shaun, Freak Out, Ginger Snaps, Saw, Scream etc it comes across as a tad jaded and unoriginal. R U going to Fearless Tales? You got me all excited thinking it was in the UK! :grumpy: :grumpy:
I wish it was in the UK!

Nah, it's in San Fancisco, home of Dirty Harry - there's two...I mean...three reasons for going now, Freak Out, Landis, the Dirty Harry tour.

These kind of events never seem happen in the UK and if they do they are really poorly attended. I'm a UK resident myself, I guess I'll just have to save up the £500-£700 it will cost to go.

Imagine this, at the Landis Q&A, I could finally ask him: Blues Brothers 2000 - WHY?

Just how FAT are you? That's what I think EVERYONE on this forum would like to know!

Regarding Fearless Tales, they've JUST put links up on their website for the films they are showing. If you follow the link below it shows you what they've got up there on Freak Out

There's also some Landis stuff as well - you can find it all under the FILMS section. This fest looks great.

Thanks BS (oops!),

Looks like a lotta fun, but I've gotta admit; looking at that FEARLESS TALES :no: site is kinda like looking at a copy of Playboy... I'm just staring at some place I'm never gonna go! :( :(
The Freak Out site has been updated. I see one of my fave horror sites Creature Corner saw it and loved it (no one seems to dislike this movie).

Cheer up Fatcyborg, there's more to life than Playboy!! There's other fun stuff to do like annoying dogs, cow pushing, building models, watching TV - these things are great! And I like to EAT food as well. Surely with a name like Fatcyborg you share this passion?