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watch Faett - Surreal Stop Motion

I like the look of it. It's very Tim Burton-esque. It was still a little jerky to me, which realy brought my attention to the fact that it's stop motion. I would go with at least 24 frames per second, rather than the approximately 8 you've got going on here.

Keep it up :)
hey thanks for quick replies.

24fps? Haha we were already going mad by doing this (about 10fps). I kinda like the jerky style but if I had been able to make the models more flexible, more frames would be definately nice. Maybe on future projects I'll try that.

Thanks again,

That was amusing. liked it!

and you can go with various frame rates. 8 may be a little too low but you can start at 12 and do 15, 24, 30 etc etc depending on the kind of look u want.

for my taste, most of the times creepy material is better suited with jerkiness ie lower frame rates like 12 and 15
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I really liked it; very creepy models, and generally just really well put together.

One slightly easier way of solving the jerkiness problem would be "double-framing" or animating in "twos" - animating twelve frames per second, duplicating each frame, and then playing back at 24 fps.

That said, the jerkiness of the animation didn't bother me at all in this, I think it suited the style well. The only thing I think would look better smoother is the camera moves - the opening shot in particular stops very suddenly.

Anyway, I thought it was great, would love to see some more!
chilipie: I tried "frame-blending" at first and the movements looked almost fluent but I decided not to use it because I liked the jerky look (like you).

This forum is ALIVE! Thanks for great comments!
chilipie: The thing about the camera moves, thats something me and my friend Mantas, who did the camera & lighting for the film, did not think about at all. We used a photo-tripod and cranked it up for the opening shot. We should have just cranked smaller steps in the end to smooth out the stop. So many things to learn, nice!

Murdock: Damn, you are right. Just now that you said it, I remember this brilliant music video by Tool. I promise I did not think about it while making this film (maybe subconsciously...) :)
Neat film, can't wait to see more of your work, thanks for sharing. Would you guys happen to know about the stop motion master course at the stop motion store? For just under a $100 dollars you'll be able to boost your progress right to the top, I'd love to see a full length movie you guys could do. (I'm a Tim Burton Fan too)