My first film cost me 15 grand and I must say, it's pretty good, despite the fact that I ran out of money and couldn't massage the editing like I wanted. It's not perfect, of course, but I got a standing O at the NY International Film Festival closing night and an Independent Spirit Award for it, so I guess that's something. I should also mention I learned a hell of a lot. Like make sure everyone is on your team, including your DP.
My second film from 2004... Meh. Never finished it. Didn't like it. Same with my third in 2005.
I shot my fourth in January, but need a few hours of additional photography to make it right. Some of it came out wonderfully, but what did not will be addressed with the re-shoot.
Shot my fifth two weekends ago for the Straight8 contest and it was a blast.
Will shoot another for the Straight8 in two weeks.
Then in April I will shoot a Super8 film
not for the Straight8 that I am so excited about I can barely stop myself from peeing. Actors have been hounding me to do it so I guess I must have written a good one this time. I know the DP for it is rip-roaring to go.
My first short hit the festival circuit in 2002, so there was a 9 year gap between film 1 and today.
You learn by doing. Just get out there and do it. Shoot! Shoot something. Anything. Should have been doing that years ago.
I'm catching up for lost time.