"the last one I bought was Scrooged 3 years ago at a Rite-Aid for $9.99. Just don't feel the need to own many."
99.95% chance the company I work for sold Rite Aid that DVD.
As far as reviews go, we're movie nerds. Of course we look at reviews. Joe Schmo looking at what's on TMC this month is going to pick a movie either from marketing (which is the Raison D'etre of Theatrical Release. It basically pays for the marketing campaign, then real money is made on the backend), recognizable names (made recognizable by the marketing paid for by this some priors movies theatrical run), OR something in that 2 or 3 sentences made them impulse buy.
Nuts and bolts movie BUSINESS discussion. I love it.
99.95% chance the company I work for sold Rite Aid that DVD.
As far as reviews go, we're movie nerds. Of course we look at reviews. Joe Schmo looking at what's on TMC this month is going to pick a movie either from marketing (which is the Raison D'etre of Theatrical Release. It basically pays for the marketing campaign, then real money is made on the backend), recognizable names (made recognizable by the marketing paid for by this some priors movies theatrical run), OR something in that 2 or 3 sentences made them impulse buy.
Nuts and bolts movie BUSINESS discussion. I love it.