full time filmmaking
I work full time as a filmmaker. The thing to remember when trying to approach film as a central career is that there are many types of work available. While you definitely don't have much chance of going directly from student to full time movie director, it's a lot more realistic to go from student to full time director.
Just be less specific about what you direct. My main interest is in directing feature films, and occasionally I get to. I'm about to make one right now. But 5 out of 7 days a week I'm directing whatever clients need to be directed. Music videos, corporate videos, television advertisements, upscale weddings, convention signage, stock footage, etc.
As a full time director you are your own boss, so the key is to be a good boss type. Insure that you are always working on something productive. Wake up before noon and do at least 8 hours serious work a day. Advertise yourself, make connections, constantly train up skills.
I see a lot of people that want to be a full time director that think it consists of rolling out of bed at 3pm and coming up with a great idea. No way. 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration. I just returned from a shoot where I was on site director for a large car company, I was up till 4-5 in the morning editing, then back out at the site by 7 am each day.
Days off aren't days off either, you need to find an activity such as stock footage production any day you don't have a scheduled shoot. Even on weekends you are likely to be at least running footage processing.
I guess my point is that a job as a funtional full time director is more job than rock star fantasy camp. Be prepared if you get your wish.