Lets try a story
Dreamer wants to make a film..
Let's try a different outcome of your story. Same story; dreamer risks
everything just as you say, but the outcome changes.
The series does well. Not life altering well, but makes a healthy profit.
Pays back everything – all expenses, initial investment, reasonable
overhead – and nets, say, $100,000 in pure profit for this dreamer.
I feel the lead actors deserve a small piece of that. Sure, they took
money up front rather than the risk, yes, they didn't give a shit about
the dream – to them cash is king. Yes, they were complete strangers
when they got the parts. I still think these strangers deserve the cheese
the dreamer risked everything for. Not all of it, but a nice piece.
Maybe for you, sfoster, it's a number? Rather than mix big budget
examples with risk-everything ultra low budget examples I wonder what
that number (profit) might be for you.
If this movie you risked everything on made a profit of $500,000 would
you still not share any of the profits with the strangers you hired? Those
people you already paid hundreds of dollars a day.
What if you really hit the big time? Say, a pure profit of $5,000,000? Do
you believe the actors deserve none of that?