Do film festivals reject films without watching it? (Based on title/logline)

This is somewhat related to FilmFreeway and Vimeo: who's watching your film?
My Vimeo stats show that there are only 24 views started (1 download) on my film, my film has gotten 52 rejections and 13 selections.
How is that possible? Can they reject it based on just the title, poster or logline?
Is it possible to watch a Vimeo video without increasing the view count?
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FilmFreeway will ingest your film from Vimeo to FilmFreeway's storage. When the film festival views your film, they usually watch it from FilmFreeway's storage system, so the "count" is not registered on Vimeo. The festival can also choose a "view on vimeo" button, (to check for captions or whatever), in which case the count IS registered on Vimeo,
I read an article a few months back about a director, can't remember their name... but in the article they said the only time they ever had a film be accepted to a film festival was when the festival itself had reached out and requested the film, due to it's publicity or marketing, etc.

Reading that article felt pretty bleak! Like the whole system is rigged.
I have ZERO experience with film festivals so I'm not an authority there.
You might find it worthwhile to research how many films from open application festivals have actually been picked up, And then contact the filmmakers you find directly and ask them about the financial realities of their "win"

The unfortunate reality is that in the microbudget film world 9 out of every $10 is made by the people throwing the festivals rather than the filmmakers, And I'm counting people who got broadcast deals. That's an important consideration when strategizing how to utilize limited resources while pursuing a deal. I think in many cases the smaller festivals are essentially a doorway that costs a couple of grand to open, That just opens into a dead end alleyway. Most companies are drowning in an avalanche of submissions at their home office, And outside of Sundance and Cannes, There really aren't any legitimate talent scouts at those small film festivals for obvious reasons. Would you pack up and drive halfway across the country to see if you could find a new internet banner ad? That's kind of the position that studios are in. They are inundated with submissions before they ever left the parking lot. I saw an interview once with one of the guys that used to have this job, And he said he commonly threw movies into the trash can beside his desk after watching for less than a minute, Just to try and get through his workload for the day.

I'm not saying that it never works out for anybody, Just be aware that every executive who can greenlight a movie has three kids, a wife, and fourteen cousins, each of whom are pitching three movies a year for one of that persons 10 annual production slots.
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I used to work for a pretty high profile feature film festival. We got quite a decent number of submissions and made sure that all were watched, but the truth is that only very few submissions made it into the program. Most films in the program were films that we got through our own initiative. But this varies from festival to festival.
I have also heard filmmakers complain that programmers don't watch their film all the way through. But honestly, a good programmer knows if the film is not for them within the first 15-20 minutes. This doesn't necessarily mean they think it is a bad film, but it might just not be something for that particular festival's niche.