DIY LiteRing Chroma Key POC

Hey all,
the other day I got intrigued by the idea of crafting my own version of the light ring based chroma key systems.. I did some digging..

If you dont know what Im talking about, check out the high end reflectmedia

$2500 for a setup..

A better priced knock of can be had at

The trick here was figuring out what the backdrop was made out of... retroreflective material.. once I got that far, I found a 3M supplier that sent me a 12" x 9' sample.. pretty cool, until today I wasnt sure I had the right stuff.... so I spent a few minutes, with what ever leds I had lying about, I set this up in about 15 mins..

(sorry about the strangeness in the first few seconds.. )

Here is a quick keying attempt.. Iv never done keying before..

Now, that fabric is very expensive, about $35 a yard, so its still too rich for my blood. But you can save a LOT of money doing it your self if you want to try this. I am looking for a knock of supplier out of china....

EDIT: So the shadow was made WORSE by being balanced for sunlight, and not florescent... in further tests, the shadows are just another shade of green (not brown like this example) and caused only small issues in keying.
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blonde hair will be different as well, and natural hair will be different than synthetic wig hair... but it didn't turn out badly at all. Looks like a little bit of the detail is missing, but that would be covered up with a little edge wrap.
this is my very first test with the reflectiv 3'x39" fabric from canada; i ordered 4 parts of it and she sent 1 mt. x 4 mt. In future i will cut in 2 parts to get a 2x2mt

here my test:
i ordered 4 parts of it and she sent 1 mt. x 4 mt.

That's what I got too. I think it's easier to ship that way. I also cut it into two parts.

Envious of your setup. It's great to be able to keep the led ring back from the lens as wheatgrinder previously suggested. A very crisp edge. I don't see any of the halo effect that I get which has been causing problems with keying. What software are you using? I would love to be able to upgrade to that camera. Are you using any special studio lighting or just regular indoor lights?

One test that I would like to see is having a couple of people hold the fabric behind someone as they walk and incorporating that into moving footage. Typical green screen requires proper lighting but if the camera with the light ring attached kept pointing at the fabric it should be able to be keyed out. Not something I can attempt personally. No one has been able to do outdoors yet.
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That's what I got too. I think it's easier to ship that way. I also cut it into two parts.
right, now i keep it rolled in a pvc pipe to avoid any folds

What software are you using?
Adobe After effect / premiere CS5

I would love to be able to upgrade to that camera. Are you using any special studio lighting or just regular indoor lights?
i used a diy photography studio light that i builded myself; it includes 6 cold lights bulbs x 1100 lumen each one and i pointed it to the white wall to get a decent indirect light.
I added another sinlge light on my right side pointing to me (was better if installed behind me)


Check out page 70 on this document for a way to sue the retrorefelctive fabric for FRONT projection live action.. neat at parties maybe.. ]

It sounded very interesting, but I didn't understand what they meant. It needed some illustrations or photos for non-technical folks like me.

I actually had an old visual effects book myself that was sitting in the garage waiting to be donated to the library book sale. I dug it out and, lo-and-behold, it too has a page about the technique. Again it mentions "a glass-beaded screen which reflects nearly 100 percent of the light falling on it but only in the direction from which it came." Likewise, I never realized the implications until I also discovered the technique through other means. It also comes with a handy illustration to explain the setup but I'm not sure I could figure out how to put it into use. An experiment for another day.

(Credit where it's due: Cinema Secrets - Special Effects by Dan Millar copyright 1990 Quintet Publishing, London UK.)

Completed video using retro-reflective green screen

Once I acquired my light ring and fabric and completed some initial tests, I started doing filming for a video project and it is finally complete. Admittedly it's not masterpiece, but the green screen filming actually worked out rather well for my purposes. Some of the After Effects animations could have been better. I also used the setup for several static shots. Originally I had planned to remove the green in Photoshop but found that Key Light 1.2 in After Effects did a much better job with less effort.

Here is some of the original footage:

The completed video with all the green screen footage added:
The old front projection technique makes me think that there are large swaths of this "glass-beaded" fabric out there waiting to be discovered in back rooms and attics! You people with access to old film storage, dig around...
Ebay links are expired!

I want to report that all the links of Ebay are expired!
It seems that the 1 meter tape width is not longer available from anything store.
I found just this:
SILVER REFLECTIVE TAPE FABRIC sew on material 3'x6":


I also found this page from a China company that sell reflective materials, but it seems that those films aren't Retro-reflective, just reflective:

1) I am not very expert; can anyone confirm this?
2) Where to buy a 1 meter tape?

Canadian eBay seller still active for retro-reflective material

The eBay seller who provided the retro-reflective material for my tests and videos is still active. The old links will not work but you just have to check his online store. Not sure if you want to buy from Canada but it is still available from him. Note that he doesn't refer to the material as being retro-reflective in the title of the item, but does so in the description when you click on the link. If a Canadian source interests you, you may want to contact him about the availability of larger sizes than just the iron on strips.

Here is his store on eBay:
Here is an active auction for his material:


I want to report that all the links of Ebay are expired!
It seems that the 1 meter tape width is not longer available from anything store.
1) I am not very expert; can anyone confirm this?
2) Where to buy a 1 meter tape?

I've just checked in to this thread and wondered if you were going to design Led light ring again is there any other source of blue and green LED's that you would recommend. Also the retro reflective material from Canada did you have any success with finding a suitable (a) a backing to fix it to and (b) a method of attaching it to the backing material?
