Premise puts butts in seats = $$$$
Reviews, favorable and otherwise, only add or detract from future ticket sales.
Looks like Lucky Hardwood & I are the only ones that distinctly recall (from the pointless trash bins of our memories) that the "original" trilogy was known to be the middle set of a nine story epic.
1977 - 1983 episodes 4 5 6
- dick around for a decade and a half letting your principal actors age
1999 - 2005 episodes 1 2 3
- dick around for another decade letting your principal actors physically mature a full four decades (hoping nothing terrible happens to them)
2015-ish jump start the last trilogy with the principal actors looking their parts.
- They will likely pass the baton onto a younger principal cast at this point.
Expect the planned loss of beloved characters from episodes 4 5 6 enshrined in film lore.
It's a brilliant plan.
Has my complete respect.
I don't understand this love of this and hate of that viewers/fans bring to the table.
No one gets this upset over McDonald's rotating their menus and evolving them over time or Ford changing the way that the Mustang looks over time. (God, they were ugly in the 80s!)
The purpose of a business is to make money. Not art.
If you wanna trash a franchise look to Hellraiser.
Episodes 7 8 9 will be great. Probably. Certainly from a financial/business PoV. Unless Michael Bay gets to direct. (shudder...