Directing Agent:


Im open to all kinds of Prjects. I currently have 2 scrips I have option to present to them. but im also open to any Job offers for other films they have. Really, im going in ready for anything.

If they like my 2 scripts. Good, then I get to make them. However, if they want me to Direct somthing else. Im also open for that.

My last film? You would not have heard of it. None of my films (2 features and 15 shorts) have ever been screened at a featival. and None have had much exposure. However, the point is that I have them to present. Being 16, I think I have a pretty impressive slate of Projects Iv done. Most of the shorts are Harror / Thriller and the 1 Feature is horror / Thrill... the other Drama.

All I can say is that the studio wanted to meet with me on my variouse Projects.

At 16 you don't need an agent, you need a parent, because they can't legally sign a contract with a minor :wink:

You sound like you have a lot of ambition. I don't know what kind of meeting you have with a studio, and I don't want to shatter your dreams, but getting a film made is not as easy as you think.

Good luck - and stroll the forums - you will find the answers you need from our members!

Post some of your work in the Screening room.
An agent gets you the meetings (which you already have)...what you're looking for is a lawyer. I personally wouldn't bother at age 16, but you never know.

I want to see your work too!
I look to post it on my site anyway soon. Im currently working on my site, so I dont have anything online yet. However, I intend to Put up "Behind the Scenes" footage and also some of my Shorts and Features.

I know about the Parent part. They explained that to me. And i know that anyway. And a Lawyer yes.

I may be 16... However, i dont think you understand how Grown up I am. I know what Production is like. Iv done enough of it. im not some little high school kid who plans to make films one day in his 40's if he's lucky. I intend to start young. and Age is not everything, It is what your capable of. Just as the studio said. And im capable of a Lot more than you guys MIGHT think.

I told the studio my age, and really they did not say much about it. and on the subject of what kind of meeting this is. It is a just to meet with them... nothing more. They have not agreed to anything as of yet. And they tell me they will want proof of my ablilty to Direct a Feature. And, I told them As I'v told you. I have made 2 other features already. One lasted 40 days of Photography and the other 26. I did all the Casting, Directing, Editing and Crew hiring on both of them. Now, how did I afford that? Well, i hired people with there own equipment. they agreed to come and shoot it for me.

Anyway, i must go now. Just keep this though in mind. dont judge a book by its cover. Im capable of a lot more than you might think. But, once i get my Site up, You'll be able to see what Iv done. so until then, Peace.


P.S) I wont be posting here for a while, As im leaving for a Vacation soon with my G/F.... So by the time I get back, I MAY have the site up and some Demos ready for your viewing. I will post the site in the Screening room when Im done.

Later guys....

As soon as you get back from vacation I'd like to talk further with you. My agent might be interested in representing you. She is quite fond of new talent and I suspect that she could help in negotiating your deal with the studio.

PM me as soon as you return.
Hey just cause he's 16 doesn't mean he can't do it, I have a friend who was a qualified film maker at 16! Some people DO have a lot of ambition... Good for you!
Mr Goat, it is all clearly explained in this post. 8)

...and a nice wee quote from it...

If you have the funds ($20 Million) like I had in the beggining to start a Production Compnay, then go for it.

Landon D. Parks
Producer / Director
New Deminsion Films

Just your average all-American 16 year old, with a few million to burn. :roll:
I am the President /CEO of my production company because i STARTED it.. I have never worked for another production company. If you have the funds ($20 Million) like I had in the beggining to start a Production Compnay, then go for it.

Landon D. Parks
Producer / Director
New Deminsion Films

Wow .. he had a $20 million studio ( :roll: ), and misspelled "Dimension" in his company name.
Landon, if you have 20 mil, why are you worrying about a studio job? Shoot your own stuff with your own money and blow Hollywood away.

I want to clear somthing up: :shock:

#1: I dont have 20 Million dollars. :lol: (I Wish a Did)
#2: I dont use "New dimension" Studio anymore.
#3: sorry for the Typo in Deminsion*. :lol:
#4: I dont own a Studio. :lol:
#5: I am not an X-Executive. :lol:
#6: I was hoping everyone would forget about that post. :(

Ok, Now time for me to explain myself before I get to many "Liar" Posts.

I did lie in that ONE post. It was forced though. I was with a bunch of my friends (Dan, Jerry and Cat) and they Dared me to do it. And Im one that CANNOT turn down a dare. Sorry (I won a Eminem CD) :D . I have never posted anything like that ANYWERE else, And never intend to. Just a harmless dare.

So, please, just forget about that post. I had the notion to delete it after they left that night... but one problem. I found that I cant delete my own post's! :x Or at least I cant find out how to.

Hope this clears that up,

P.S) I did post other things on there too that are more helpfull :wink:

Also, to Directorik:
Im going to be gone for a while (3 - 5 weeks). We are going over to visit my relation in Cali. So I more than likly wont be able to reply to you until I get back. One thing you need to know. he Studio I have the meeting with is a Producer in Indianapolis, Indiana. He makes low budget production. And the meeting with him is simply to pitch some ideas and see if he has any thing for me to do.

Im not sure if any agent is interested in that or not? The reason im looking for an agrent is AFTER my upcoming production in June (Privately Funded). I intend to sell the film. Or at least try. I have a few places in mind, Like first run Features, Newmarket Films and Newline Cinema or Fineline Feature.

They all seem easy enough to get the product too. And After i get this production done, And hopefully sold, I look to get a Agent to get me work in the future.

However, If the agent is willing to represent me, I have Shorts and Features for proof of my ability (If thats enough).

I wont be able to talk to you more on this until I get back.

I feel I should at least have one film in mainstream public before trying to get an agent. It will make me look beter.

So, Talk to you later,
Director_by_nature said:
I did lie in that ONE post. It was forced though. I was with a bunch of my friends (Dan, Jerry and Cat) and they Dared me to do it. And Im one that CANNOT turn down a dare. Sorry (I won a Eminem CD) :D . I have never posted anything like that ANYWERE else, And never intend to. Just a harmless dare.

Well let this be a lesson to you, never lie a lie that you can't lie to get out of. Seriously, we all stretch the truth from time to time, try not to let it happen again.

Director_by_nature said:
(T)he Studio I have the meeting with is a Producer in Indianapolis, Indiana. He makes low budget production. And the meeting with him is simply to pitch some ideas and see if he has any thing for me to do.

You shouldn't need an agent for that. I hope it leads to big things for you.

Director_by_nature said:
Im not sure if any agent is interested in that or not? The reason im looking for an agrent is AFTER my upcoming production in June (Privately Funded). I intend to sell the film. Or at least try. I have a few places in mind, Like first run Features, Newmarket Films and Newline Cinema or Fineline Feature.

They all seem easy enough to get the product too. And After i get this production done, And hopefully sold, I look to get a Agent to get me work in the future.

Ah, to be young and full of possibility. Just remember something D_by_n, Ignorance is bliss.
