I fully intend to get a car as soon as we actually start getting paid on a regular basis. As I understand it now, we have no guarantee of income. Given that I'm already going to be taking a paycut if we end up getting the projected income I'd rather cut my monthly expenses to a minimum until that projected income becomes reality.
I'll personally drive you around some if I don't have to sell my car. I believe at least half if not most of the guys are bringing cars.
Cracker is right though, things are a little spread out there, and transportation is less optional than it would be in an urban sprawl like I currently live in.
I've got 2 decent jobs on the hook for us already, and a possible sponsorship. So we will at least have some opportunities to make money almost right off the bat. In addition Rob and I will be proactively working to secure contracts for us and more importantly investment for us.
I won't kid you, this could be a rough ride at first. The standard business model is to borrow enough startup capitol to run with losses for 18 months without going under. We'll have 3 months tops unless we get some investment. The good side of this is that our survival minimum is quite low. To just stay afloat would only require an income of about a grand per person per month. So if we can land both contracts I've got set up for us, and perhaps the sponsorship, that number might immediately drop to 400. So the question becomes, could you make 400 a month? One wedding job for 2 days would cover all of us in that scenario. By the time that month had passed, we've had another 30 days to secure more recurring jobs, investment, and sponsorship.
Not only that, but we stand a better than average chance of success, as our forte is media production. We can turn in applications for contracts like no one has ever seen before. We also have equipment rentals backing us up to some degree, and my projections show 25k of spendable income from just the epic rentals this year.
Overall, I think of it like this, all the 8 of us have to do is make the salary of one normal person in this area, and we're up and running. We make the salary of 2 people and we're profiting. Once profiting, it's a countdown to the day one of the investors we approach says yes. At that point, we've won phase 1.
On a positive note, Graham and I make a collective minimum of 5k a month, not counting rentals. We will have your back, but please come in ready to work hard.