The Prodigal son returns. We shall kill the fatted lamb and feast to his homecoming, for he that was once dead now lives!
The Prodigal son returns. We shall kill the fatted lamb and feast to his homecoming, for he that was once dead now lives!
Paraphrasing the words of Jesus is always good for a quick laugh ... though laughing just might land you in HELL!
I am waiting on the 48 hour film projects to be in the screening room! I did not really notice that CF was gone. I just noticed he was not posting much. I read CF's facebook and knew about the 48 hour project.
I thought CF was just taking a break becuase I know he had a post awhile back about taking time off from the forum to get other things done. Welcome back CF.
Haha, CF, every time I look at your avatar pic, my cat (I don't have one) jumps awake from my loud laughter.
Its a very sloppy telling of Luke 15: 11-32 (vs 11 reads "And he said" which means the rest is Christ telling the story..I'm just gonna throw it out there but I'm not sure those were the words of Jesus...![]()
Sweet! Here's a funny little tidbit. So, I got this image off of google images, obviously. Except, in the original image, he is looking to the left. But when I put that up as my avatar, Mr. Farley looked really unconfortable (he didn't have any nose-room). So, I reversed the image, to make him feel more comfortable. I'm such a nerd.![]()
Edit: I was trying to remember who the actor on the pic was![]()