You guys are too cool! Thank, a million times over, for the warm welcome.
To answer a couple questions --
The transgression is that I joke too much, and one of my jokes was deemed offensive; we'll leave it at that.
"Antihero" will be screening at it's first fest, in a couple weeks. To be proper, I shall place the info in an "event" thread.
Goobs, I'm glad you enjoyed it, man. Thanks a bunch!
Dready, you saw the very rough cut, way back when. I think you'll really like the final product. The music is pretty kick-ass!
Nick, I imagine you should have yours soon. Sent it on Monday.
What did I do while gone? I went all feng shui on my house, got some awesome BBQ in Texas (wish I would've had time to meet up with some of our Texan IT friends), and made a 48HFP movie. I really like our submission for this year's 48HFP, and look forward to posting it in the screening room, when fest rules allow.