Community Project - Starts Now

I was reading the thread about how community projects always fail.

I have a concept and I'd like to try with anyone willingto participate.

So here are the rules:

Shoot an authentic shower scene that is no longer than 7 minutes. Take any artistic liberties you wish to take. If you want to imply all nudity, awesome, go for it. If you want to do full frontal on a 300lb senior citizen, cool.

All videos will be submitted to me. I'll edit them all together in one piece. It will be interesting to compare and contrast the different ways people perceive showering, and actually how people shower for that matter.

The individual videos will be displayed on a website as prominently, if not more so than the compilation I edit.

It's basically just a weird community project that I think would be artistically interesting.

If as many as 5 people commit to doing it, a 3 week deadline will be set. I will commit my time and resources to editing the compilation, and creating and hosting the website.

If this were to get picked up by some blog it could be cool exposure. I assure you I will profit in absolutely no way. A professor I know once advised me to always be working, even when I'm working. That's all I'm trying to do.

If anyone has interest in working on the website or hosting please post.

All videos submitted will be used and promoted equally.
This post creeps me out.
This post creeps me out.

I think that's primarily a response to "full frontal on a 300lb senior citizen." What are the chances this whole project was originated from naughty, voyeuristic motives? I'd say 75%.

Personally, I'm not sure I could do a full 7 minutes on my shower habits. 5 seconds on scrubbing toe-lint, a luffa applied willy-nilly to various crevices, shampoo hair, lather, rinse, repeat. One minute tops.

The only thing of interest might be my rendition of La donna รจ mobile from Verdi's Rigoletto.
I think it's a take on the "everyday thing we all experience" type of voyeurism. Besides, seeing people naked is important. It's what separates us from the animals...except our pets.
I like the idea. kinda like "how do YOU wipe your butt??" you know? is there a right way to do it? do you wipe up, down? do you stare at the paper after every wipe? something so little and simple, however we all do it differently.
There is positively nothing sexual about this. I guess it's natural to suggest it. I will hold out hope that 5 like minded individuals will come across this. If not, no worries.

One last thing.. Did you know the movie 2 Days in the Valley does not actually take 2 days to watch?
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Oh! I'd also like to say I'm not saying you need to shoot your own shower routine. I thought of using a camel in mine but they're so hard to work with. Their dressing room list is absurd, they lack motivation, and the spitting is unbearable.
i'd be willing to work on the project. thing is, don't have actresses to film.
and i am NOT about to go film a guy in the shower.
I think the problem with this idea is, to most people on this forum, it will sound like:

"Hey I'm new here. Everyone send me sexually explicit footage please. k thnx bye"

Sounds like that to me...

If you'd have chosen, "making breakfast", "car chase", "argument" etc. you wouldn't be in the position you are now were your character and motives are called into question...
I think the problem with this idea is, to most people on this forum, it will sound like:

"Hey I'm new here. Everyone send me sexually explicit footage please. k thnx bye"

Sounds like that to me...

If you'd have chosen, "making breakfast", "car chase", "argument" etc. you wouldn't be in the position you are now were your character and motives are called into question...

I think the problem with this idea is, to most people on this forum, it will sound like:

"Hey I'm new here. Everyone send me sexually explicit footage please. k thnx bye"

Sounds like that to me...

If you'd have chosen, "making breakfast", "car chase", "argument" etc. you wouldn't be in the position you are now were your character and motives are called into question...

Exactly. Maybe if you'd been around a while it wouldn't have creeped me out. Or maybe if you weren't so insistent on it being a shower thing. Why not brushing your teeth? Or clipping your toenails?

i'd be willing to work on the project. thing is, don't have actresses to film.
and i am NOT about to go film a guy in the shower.

Why not? :weird:
I like the idea. kinda like "how do YOU wipe your butt??" you know? is there a right way to do it? do you wipe up, down? do you stare at the paper after every wipe? something so little and simple, however we all do it differently.


I do think it fitting that you're from Brownsville.
Honestly, I see everyones point I guess. It just didn't occur to me there would be any concern about it. A shower isn't explicit to me. It just genuinely didn't occur to me that people would feel this way. Part of me feels like you guys must be the pervs. The other part of me feels like I must be fucked up. Whatever! Jerks!