Coming of Age Movie?

Probably... Just couldn't think of any off the top of my head.
I mean is there like a particular one that you really liked?
Goodfellas ;)
From innocent kid to full blown gangster.
Revenge of the Nerds
Stephen King's "It"
Stand By Me
River's Edge
Less Than Zero

Just a few. :)
Dead Poets Society
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Varsity Blues
The Outsiders
A Bronx Tale
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A great example would be:
American Graffiti
Yeah, it happens in one night, but the main characters all face major "adult" decisions that will change their lives.
You know I realized that not many coming of age movies
have recently been made and released to theaters.
Surely there are still a lot.
The American Pie flicks to name some.
Garden State
The Karate Kid
Boyz n the Hood
This list could go on and on and on... did this help you?
I liked Napoleon Dynamite.
The characters are all really odd and I kind of related to that. It's a great example of a film where the Geek ends up on top.
It seems that you either love the film or hate it so I don't know how you'd react to it.
Cooley High (if you want to go 'back in the day')

Now and Then
Crooklyn (often overlooked, but excellent)
Stand By Me is a good one, Thirteen is too.

White Oleander

ANY John Hughes film.... I almost forgot! Fast Times at Ridgemont High. You should just look at the roster of actors in that film!

-- spinner :cool:
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While looking up the director of 'Fast Times' on wikipedia, I found a category of 'coming of age films'. You gotta look there, there are LOTS!

-- spinner :cool:
i absolutely love american graffiti, thats a good coming of age story - plus the soundtrack can't be beat. also i've always felt like garden state was the modern day version of the graduate. obviously quite a few differences, but coming away from both films - i strangely felt the same way. but who knows, i saw both the summer before i went off to college, so it could all be situational. still, both good.