archived-videos College Life

DL'ing it now. Want me to recompress, Logan? 20mb a minute is kinda... big. Even for broadband.

(But then again, everything is big in Texas, right?) :P


A/V files shifted to Logan's server... in theory.
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Do what you can, man. I would greatly appreciate it...although it is a very adio-visual film, so as long as it can stay decent quality (decent is a relative term) :)

I'm actually testing it right now (I'm downloading it from my own site), and it still isn't done, might be too big, hehe...
awesome man, I really liked it, and cheers to Zen for the extra compression i might have to get you to make my films web friendly once I get my site up and going ;)

once again, good work Logan
Logan, good job!

I like the creativity. The tee-shirt and whiteboard for opening credits was great. The very first shot (I don't want to create a "spoiler" by describing it) seemed a little out of place. Shouldn't that have happened after the party but before going to bed?

The musical scoring was really good - it complemented the action.

Some minor criticisms - the short dialogue during the party scene should have been boosted, it got lost. Whether that's due to compression (I watched the 18MB file) or not, I don't know.

Also, take a look at places to trim scenes. I noticed one candidate - the parking/running to the building scene could have had the tail end trimmed to keep up the pace.

The final scene had some fierce backlight, making the actor's face one big shadow. If you're in the mood to experiment, see if you can play with the brightness and contrast levels to correct it.

Other than that, great job!
SPaulovich said:
Some minor criticisms - the short dialogue during the party scene should have been boosted, it got lost. Whether that's due to compression (I watched the 18MB file) or not, I don't know.

Also, take a look at places to trim scenes. I noticed one candidate - the parking/running to the building scene could have had the tail end trimmed to keep up the pace.

The final scene had some fierce backlight, making the actor's face one big shadow. If you're in the mood to experiment, see if you can play with the brightness and contrast levels to correct it.

Other than that, great job!

Thanks for the compliments.

I agree about the cutting of the parking lot. The final final cut will be different there as well as when he walks out the door; I'm going to cut the time so he instantly realizes he forgot his books.

I put the very first shot there just for shock value....kind of some sick humor for the youngin's. If anyone else feels that it's unnecessary/ out of place: let me know...that's me, by the way...I wanted to do a cameo, and what better cameo than that?

I made the dialogue as good as I could. I didn't have much to work with. I wanted it to seem more like a real party, but didn't have the time and I thought it would look better than it did...Daniel (the actor) liked it, maybe it's alright.

I like the end sequence where Daniel's face is dark...when uncompressed, it looks much better.

Thankyou so much for the criticizm, SPaulovich!!
Oh...I misunderstood what you meant by "parking lot". I wasn't planning on recutting the school parking lot...but if more people mention that, I may consider it.

Zensteve...what'd you think?
Yes, pretty good Logan. :yes:

I don't think you were taking advantage of the manual white-balance settings. Purple porcelain bathroom? tsk tsk. :lol:

Nice opening shots, from the titles dropping down to camera swooping up... dorm-door credits on whiteboard (and shirt) good too.

The cuts with the "partiers" are kinda jumpy... maybe distract viewers from it being so obvious by doing those white flashes you see in edited single-camera interviews. (Or some cutaways to foxy co-eds. Rar! )

Music was okay for the most part... though it did seem odd having a techno-beat while the main guy was freshening up in the bathroom the next day. (white balance, again?)

Like the running to car/driving off cuts. While similar to the jump cuts above, no need to cover these ones up... implies speed.

Awesome parking job, btw.

End shot (that swivel) from the face to the door of the building.. liked that a lot. Mr P. already mentioned that long dark shot of shadows.

I think the only thing really missing from the story was the reason why it was so important to get up on time. It's easy enough to see why at the end, and it makes perfect sense. (Been there, done that :lol: )... but while you can see there is a sense of urgency to his haste in the morning, the viewer is left wondering what for.

That's not a big deal, really, as it wraps up fairly quickly. It's just a bit more complete with "goal" to root for as it unfolds.


Is good little short, Logan

(Now get to finish DON-2)
Thanks Zen!

About the bathroom: I made it purple in post (I also made the "party" scene's hard to simulate night time AND indoors AND a party...I tried...I went for simulating blacklights)...and the next day, when it's yellow...well...that's actually how it was and I was going to fix it, but I kinda liked it. It looks like I did it in post, but the light was just yellow in there.

That's a good point about why he's in a hurry. I originally planned to have a shot of Daniel (or "Steve") print out a paper for his class, but forgot, haha. Then once I remembered that just kinda was too late (not really...but we'd already shot everything and I'm lazy).

By the way, I can't thank you enough for helping me out with the compression of the file. That good deed will bring you closer to Nirvana. Get it? ZENsteve...ZEN Forget it.
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Logan, you may not want to hear this, but ... I think you might have a future as a goat. That's right, Goat made a film that pretty much followed the same narrative (guy wakes up late, forgets books, gets to class to find out it is cancelled) when he was in film school. I let him tell you about it when he next posts.

Overall, I liked it except for a couple of things already mentioned (the parking/running into the building shot should have been chopped up like the running to the car/car pulling out shot; and the final shot of the student with no face). The music was well done, and the opening titles were cool.

Good Job!

Poke said:
Logan, you may not want to hear this, but ... I think you might have a future as a goat. That's right, Goat made a film that pretty much followed the same narrative (guy wakes up late, forgets books, gets to class to find out it is cancelled) when he was in film school. I let him tell you about it when he next posts.

Yeah, but yours is better though. We had to shoot like a 2 minute narrative without sound and edit it tape to tape. It's almost exactly like yours. And then the next semester, one of my teachers said "No films about bad roommates or being late for class. Those are way over done and they are usually really bad."....and that's when my dreams ended...........

How did you do the opening door shot? Was is just a tilt up on a tripod? Because it looks really smooth and robotic.
Good stuff Logan. I see you're a fan of the jump cut. Very Godard of you ;)
CommanderGoat said:
How did you do the opening door shot? Was is just a tilt up on a tripod? Because it looks really smooth and robotic.

Yeah. I used my usual LOGAN L Productions tag then, since it ends with a white screen, I taped a white moniter in total darkness with the exposure locked (all just on a tripod) and zoomed out, tilted up, etc.. edited those two pieces of footage together to make the first half.

For the door shot, I needed to start with total blackness (since that's what the TV shot ends with), so I just held a black notebook in front of the lense, which was facing straight down...just tilted the camera up using a tripod and then zoomed in...that's it. Of course, I had to tilt and zoom a few times to get it to look so smooth.

I like that sequence, and really wanted to explore my DPing/editing skills with this piece...that's why the story's so lame. Plus, I was expecting to use someone elses camera, so I wrote a concept that would be simple to film... next film will have a much more creative story and actual characters...

...This is my third real film, about 6th if you include crappy home movies like Little Elm...I'm slowly learning that most films are not as amazing as the director invisions them in their head. It's a series of new goal is to create a short that is as good as I invision it, OR better than I invision it.

Has anyone seen that documentary, "empire of Dreams"? It made me realize that even Star Wars, one of my favorite movies of all time, was pretty much a huge compromise and wasn't what Lucas invisioned...(that's probably explains the "Special Editions" and the new Special Special Special Editions that are coming out on DVD)...

Thanks Indie...I'm a fan of the jump cut, but only where it belongs...not every movie should be fast paced like this, but...yeah..
Actually, I need to find it...I'm not so sure I have it anymore. It was the very first thing I did for an intro class, so it wasn't a big deal.
.(that's probably explains the "Special Editions" and the new Special Special Special Editions that are coming out on DVD)...

No... I'm sorry. Nothing can explain some of the new changes he made. Justify this one.
just saw this... being a dialupper sucks, big time. yeah liked the camera work, kinda. not too much of a story there but entertaining either way. Music was ok. But the camera work is just nice and creative flows pretty well. top stuff mate.
Zensteve said:
No... I'm sorry. Nothing can explain some of the new changes he made. Justify this one.

Yeah man...I never said I liked the changes...actually, I hated them (except in Empire, they didn't seem so bad) point was that George was trying to make the movie he originally envisioned. He was seeking the fullfilment of a perfect movie.

...Sadly, he just made those classics look like video games. Supposedly the rererererecut editions for DVD are better????I don't trust him????but I DO think they will be a little better. I hope.