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slacker said:just saw this... being a dialupper sucks, big time. yeah liked the camera work, kinda. not too much of a story there but entertaining either way. Music was ok. But the camera work is just nice and creative flows pretty well. top stuff mate.
LOGAN L Productions said:Has anyone seen that documentary, "empire of Dreams"? It made me realize that even Star Wars, one of my favorite movies of all time, was pretty much a huge compromise and wasn't what Lucas invisioned...(that's probably explains the "Special Editions" and the new Special Special Special Editions that are coming out on DVD)...
tron1977 said:
LOGAN L Productions said:filmmakers notice this stuff, but average people usually think it adds to the films.
Dimp Paddy said:okay, the person from the dumps thing really gets to me, he/she's acting as if their word is final and if we go against it, our film will be utter shit.
tron1977 said:I've seen a lot of bad student films and almost all of them have used stuff listed on that list.
Christopher said:What about fun? Experimenting and Learning? Isn't that what it's all about? I think some people need to lighten up. Enjoy yourself, there’s no right or wrong way to be creative. If it works for your story then use it. Who cares about some stupid list made by who?
Quicktime sucks