Coen Brothers' "True Grit"

This is one remake I'm definitely looking forward to!

Saw the trailer in the cinema for the first time properly yesterday and it blow me away (along with the Black Swan trailer)... I'm getting very excited for this one, shame it's not out til January over here :(
Not a remake in the negative sense as it is based on the original novel, not the John Wayne movie. And far more faithful to the original story.

I haven't been looking forward to a big movie this much in a very, very long time.
I think the only Coen Bros. movie that truly didn't work for me was The Man Who Wasn't There w/ BBT. Other than that one, they can do no wrong in my book!
Wow. Time has taken its toll on The Dude.

Looking forward to this too, but I always prefer the Coens' more subtle films like Barton Fink and A Serious Man. Will still definately see it at the cinema though.
The Coen brothers are like the Beatles to me- everyone in the world seems to love them, but I don't see what all the fuss is about. Scott and I saw a preview for this last time we went to the cinema and he looked at me after with his "that looks like shit" face. But to be fair, we were seeing Red Hill so he was wearing that face for most of the movie. Anyway, my comment was that I am not interested in seeing True Grit, and that seems strange to me.

Although, Matt Damon... mmm.... Not with that moustache though :(
Mat Daymun!!


I used to be a die-hard loyal fan of the Coen bros. I hate to say it, but my faith has waned, in recent years. I know this will irk a few people, but "No Country for Old Men" just didn't work for me. I found "Burn After Reading" to be only mildly entertaining, and "A Serious Man" just annoyed the hell out of me -- I did not find it one bit funny, and I abhore the ending.

All that said, they made enough movies that I LOVE that I still look forward to seeing "True Grit". I think the previews look really good, and I really like the cast.
The Coen brothers are like the Beatles to me- everyone in the world seems to love them, but I don't see what all the fuss is about.

Hmm...I don't think that's really accurate. The Coens are more like Woody Allen -- you're either into them or not. I'd bet the majority are not. They aren't given big budgets (Hudsucker Proxy excepted) because their stuff is far from mainstream. The Beatles were that rare combination of brilliance and mainstream appeal.

I personally am the type who just needs to hear the words "Coen Brothers" and I'm there. I don't care who's in it or what it's about. Not everything they've done has been great, but I can always count on the fact that the script will be smarter than 99% of everything else out there.
So, all the hype is well-founded.

What a great movie. Dark but infused with compassion, never sentimental, it delivers on all levels.

Jeff Bridges will likely be nominated for the same role, ironically, that Wayne won his Oscar for. The girl that plays Mattie is perfect; tough as a ten-penny nail (true grit), but still a child. Matt Damon also delivers a spot-on performance.

I've read the Coens lifted great swaths of dialogue from the novel, and that was an excellent decision. Wryly humorous, it rings dead to rights.

Deakins also comes through: breathtaking cinematography.

Maybe it will mean a resurgence in the Western genre. Here's hoping!

The Coen brothers are like the Beatles to me- everyone in the world seems to love them, but I don't see what all the fuss is about.

Yeah but Im 50. I saw the Beatles make it cool for guys to have long hair, people have an open mind <<< very important in this world nowdays still, smoke dope, drop acid , peace out then slowly fade away. The Beatles gave us the harder rock edge, acid rock beginnings and sooo much more... OK you had to be there.

western schmestern..Ok yawn. Jeff bridges and this new girl Hailee Steinfeld .. look fantastic together.

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Oh man, I screwed the pooch, big time. I've been eagerly awaiting this movie. After "The Fighter" (which is really good), this was tops on my list to see, this Winter.

I work at a hotel, and we're crazy busy during December. I closed my bar last night, got home in the wee-hours of the morning. Got a solid 3-hours of sleep, before heading back to work for our big Christmas brunch. Got home around 5PM.

I thought I was cool. I didn't feel sleepy. Ventured out, through a mini-blizzard, to catch "True Grit".

Loved it. Absolutely loved it. For about 20 minutes, until my eyelids started feeling really heavy. Not a reflection of the quality of the movie, but because I've worked so many hours over the last few weeks, and slept so little.


I ruined my first viewing of this movie. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, on the second viewing, which will pretty much be the first viewing, cuz I have no idea what happened through more than 50% of it.

Anyway, from what I saw, I can recommend. Bridges is awesome, and the little girl is even better. Her character is great. And there is a great deal of humor (dark, albeit) in this movie. I can't wait until sometime in January, when I can go back, with a proper night of sleep, to really enjoy this one.
I saw True Grit. It was okay, but not great. I think our expectations are always too high with anything done by the Coens.

The actress playing Mattie is fabulous. She's definitely up for some awards. Mattie is also an amazing character. She's strong, determined, and smart. She could be in her early 30s, but she's only 14.

The Dude makes a comeback as Marshal Cogburn. Jeff Bridges did okay. Matt Damon felt out of place somehow. It's still good entertainment...