Christmas Flicks

Has everyone forgotten about The Long Kiss Good Night?? It was a terrorist movie before

it was cool, and it happens during christmas. Also Albert finney is in it. Who, by the way, plays

the best Poirot. Up yours Suchet.
Here are some of the usuals that I like to watch

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
Deck the Halls
Santa Clause movies with Tim Allen
4 Christmas's
Just Friends
Home Alone 1 and 2
Beavis and Butthead Do Christmas
Die Hard
The Grinch
I just clean my guns and watch tivo'ed shows of Bill O'reilly rage about the War on Christmas, then go to Walmart and punch the old man at the door if he says Happy Holidays ! :cool:

Actually Christmas is a crazy time for me. When my son was 5, someone broke into my house late on Christmas eve. I shot him as he was looking under the tree. My son came out and saw this fat guy in a red coat and a white beard die screaming... very traumatic, sad actually.

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A bit late but, if anyone is interested, "Santa Clause Conquers the Martians" is on TCM at 6am Eastern. Probably on of the worst movies ever made.
Actually Christmas is a crazy time for me. When my son was 5, someone broke into my house late on Christmas eve. I shot him as he was looking under the tree. My son came out and saw this fat guy in a red coat and a white beard die screaming... very traumatic, sad actually.

That might be one of the saddest things I've ever heard. :tear:

Here's to your Christmases since and future being a LOT happier than that. :cheers:
Dready, you now I was a funnin' ya ! fat guy, red coat, white beard :lol::lol::yes:

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Enjoy a celebratin' the birth of tha baby jesus , hanukkah or if you are an atheist, buddihst, nihilist, agnostic or whatever floats yer boat be happy!

PS I could NEVER watch more than 3 minuts straight of Santa Claus vs the Martians, it sucked almost as bad as Cannibal Killer Clowns on Dope