Real success is a three picture deal from Miramax.
Didn't they file for bankruptcy?
HA! I think they did. It's just my standrad line (actually stolen from Lloyd Kaufman). Let's just say to become a hot enough property that someone is willing to overpay you for a long term contract.
MANY are the movies (mostly horror) that are made for 75K to 100K that gross 750K to 1 million. I personally know guys who have made those movies. Of coursea lot of them lose money as well as that 75K circles the drain, but the opportunities are out there.
Didn't they file for bankruptcy?
HA! I think they did. It's just my standrad line (actually stolen from Lloyd Kaufman). Let's just say to become a hot enough property that someone is willing to overpay you for a long term contract.
MANY are the movies (mostly horror) that are made for 75K to 100K that gross 750K to 1 million. I personally know guys who have made those movies. Of coursea lot of them lose money as well as that 75K circles the drain, but the opportunities are out there.