Chances of indie director getting big nowadays?

Real success is a three picture deal from Miramax.

Didn't they file for bankruptcy?

HA! I think they did. It's just my standrad line (actually stolen from Lloyd Kaufman). Let's just say to become a hot enough property that someone is willing to overpay you for a long term contract.

MANY are the movies (mostly horror) that are made for 75K to 100K that gross 750K to 1 million. I personally know guys who have made those movies. Of coursea lot of them lose money as well as that 75K circles the drain, but the opportunities are out there.
Myself, Im of the mind that yes, it is as easy as herding feral cats on meth to "make it" in the film biz by making that one movie and be a star director..whatever.

I think that I can make some so so movies, get better with each one, network and work my way up to a sustainable income off my craft. I will use all avenues I can off the internet along the way. I will then aim for the goal of using all my connections to hopefully make "a good one" and be content.

Here is a nugget for all of you. Do a filmmaking site put some google ads on it. ( NO google will not let you do popups ... quit thinking porn ) . You can get a free blog from Blogsopot. A website only costs $8 to register and $7 a month for hosting. Get on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, setup a Yahoo group, promote. Sign up for Amazon affiliates and make some dough off that. I made $140 off of one guy who bought a ton of camera stuff from Amazon one day. Link to a certain genre of movies on Amazon. Build your site build your name, Brand yourself. Give people something that the biggies don't. Give them YOU, your challenges, behind the scenes. market YOU, your crewe. Heck if you do a stupid Zombie movie, build a following. If you can get the people who are extras to get their family in another state to buy a copy w/ behind the scenes and a TShirt.... then tell the extras of the behind the scenes only on the DVD thru createspace, whatever .

Heck , Kevin Smith is eating himself to death. do you want his success ? I'm battling my own addictions of cigar smoking and an affection for 20 yo cuties myself. One of those has to go ! :yes:

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Are you practising these speeches in the mirror, Indie? ;)

OK.. Im busted, Im 50lbs overweight myself. Ya.. I do not want his millions..err problems...OK sheesh. thanx for bringing me into reality.

"I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!"

Good news, Im going to shoot a PG 13ish shower scene w/ a hot young cutie soon ! the things I'm willing to do for my art.

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Each job I do I ask myself "Is that the best I can do?", and the answer is usually no, there is always something I could have done a little better, with a little more technique and attentiveness. This is what keeps me coming back for more.

I find my joy in the craft.

I should print that and stick it on my laptop. Great.

Excellent advice Indiebudget.
OK.. Im busted, Im 50lbs overweight myself. Ya.. I do not want his millions..err problems...OK sheesh. thanx for bringing me into reality.

"I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!"

Hey, Hey. I never said such a thing.

Back to the topic. I think it would be interesting to hear everybodys "Ideal success", or perhaps the sucess they see for themselves to be favourable, or realistic.

I'll start. My ideal success...

To make a living, comfortable financially and personally fulfilling. Never to be a specimen beneath the Media Microscope. To pursue in a manner i can be proud of, and to allow my work to warrant merit of its own accord.

If in sixty-years, when frail and withering within my skin, I can say i've achieved this, then i'll sleep well.
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Good news, Im going to shoot a PG 13ish shower scene w/ a hot young cutie soon ! the things I'm willing to do for my art.

Your sacrifice is an inspiration to us all.

Success is being able to make a living doing what you love to do without having to do something you dont like because you need to.
Just to complete Indiebudget. If you wanna learn about internet marketing, and setting up businesses online, research Eben Pagan, and Seth Godin. Get Godins books. One I have: Tribes, and Linchpin.
Both real awesome though if you need to get one, get linchpin.

Success for me would be being able to live comfortably from doing what I love. By comfortably I mean being able to treat myself once in a while, finance Real low budget projects (heck if you have a few friends and are good at networking, you won't need to pay millions for locations and actors).
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With regards to the cycles of the film world and internet marketing, I can tell you that something is afoot in the horror genre; there are a lot of people who are getting way sick of the remakes and sequels and requels.

But here's a sad note: I did a poll, asking if people would be willing to forgo seeing Saw 3D or the like in order to put their money on seeing a indie horror flick. Very few were willing; I think the reason is that they don't know as much about them, and they're afraid it's going to be even worse than the alternative. There is a sterotype there that has to be broken down.

We're trying to get the word out about interesting indie horror, but we're just one little site. I think internet marketing would help, if for only that it would allow people to learn more about the movie, and give people like me a website to send them to. If they can see trailers, hear about the plot, have links to places like us who review and do interviews, it won't be such an unknown quantity.

They're hungry, but they need a push. And in horror, enough small budget movies go big that I don't think it has to be a big push.
A full on horror on a budget would be hard but doable. A chiller, like Don't Look Now, would be easier...

We're trying to get the word out about interesting indie horror, but we're just one little site. I think internet marketing would help, if for only that it would allow people to learn more about the movie, and give people like me a website to send them to. If they can see trailers, hear about the plot, have links to places like us who review and do interviews, it won't be such an unknown quantity.

D'you have a site?
Our site is; the indie showcase opens in January, but you can get a sneak peek at

Comments welcomed!