archived-videos Casting Call

Casting Call

Well you all.. We made it. We lost the audio recordings that were still on Liza's machine when the tornado hit.

So what you see is what you get.

Let me know what you think and VOTE!!!:yes:
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Looking forward to seeing this with the alternate soundtracks. :cool:

The only thing that really bugged me about this was... the knife! So much work, detail (and threads on other boards) went into the whole "knife thing" that I was expecting it to have a much more prominent role.

Story worked perfectly, acting was great overall, I especially liked the whole lack of actual violence... just the straight jump from normality to quiet aftermath. Very chilling look from the fellow as he looked into the camera at the end.

Extremely well rounded. :cool:
We had to cut some scenes out because the audio recording was gone/destroyed/unavailable

Zen! You're telling me you didn't like the music? I thought it has a horrorish-porno type sound...

Like what kind of movie are they making here....

then Blood and death muwahahahahaaaaa

you sure that didn't have a budget, looks great. whos' the hunk, i think i might answer that casting call with a director that looks like that!!:yes:
I think this film was really well put together! Makes you want to see a full-length movie about it! Curious to know what scenes were cut out! How awful to lose a lot of your footage due to a tornado! :( GREAT JOB!

it seems good, it would be interesting to see the "destroyed" footage or a re edit. too bad about the audio. great potential though and how did you do the opening scene with the tv??????:huh:

with shots like that your not to far off from getting funding! espically coming through that hurricane?? Who's the hot director?? any production shots, poster???
stephanyeah said:
it seems good, it would be interesting to see the "destroyed" footage or a re edit. too bad about the audio. great potential though and how did you do the opening scene with the tv??????:huh:
Ancient chinese secret! :-)
great job

i think there is some real talent in EVERY short posted and everyone involved did a great job, but i am biased and fear liza so i am voting for casting call!!
Im w/ Zen, what happened to that dope razor knife that was made. i seen it in 2 blinking moments, i think.. would of loved to get a very good glimpse of it upclose and in action.