archived-videos Casting Call

Casting Call

Well you all.. We made it. We lost the audio recordings that were still on Liza's machine when the tornado hit.

So what you see is what you get.

Let me know what you think and VOTE!!!:yes:
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i would of liked to see more knife scenes, maybe more around the dead girl....just an opinion, great job!!
Welcome to Indietalk DirectorDave, Dankmobb, Ralo, unique Casting, Spiffy Mark, lacasting, StephanYeah, deneeecie, and Jane!

thanks for the headsup jane, i will now use the casting call poster as my new desktop background.;) lets see more footage with the sexy slayer... the quality was great for an indie I question how much you spent on your post production???
The TOTAL cost for production I would say was $100. That includes meals, and many props that were'nt seen in this version of "Casting Call".

Liza Trainer is an amazing person and her genius thinking and ingenuity is outstanding. There is one shot in particular that she made a contraption for, but it didn't make it into this version.

The Knife... There are plenty of shots of it, but due to the slashed post production time, it was just not workable.

We're going to re-work this the way we really want it as well as doing a documentary. I took 4 hours of behind the scenes footage! You'll be able to see what was made, and how we did what we did...

look for more VFX shots too!

Yea I could definateley had done a little better on the soundtrack. Would love to redo it if this turns into something more! I was pretty pleased with the outcome though, going from writing to final mixdown in 3 hours was a nice adrenaline rush!
Yea, I didn't specifically tell him, I just put it in the credits...

Please be advised that we have an original score in this film.
A little story about "Casting Call".

We had 3 actors and 1 crew come over to a studio, which was already done up very nicely ( to see it). They were wide eyed when they saw all the guns on the walls and laying around. We joked about killing them in the bathroom as we had them put up the plastic on the walls and floor. And that's how the story arose and that's how the film turned into what it did.

When I got to Flroida I had no script. I had an idea and a big plan, but due to time constraints, we shot what really happened, sort of. All cast and crew sat in a room and we figured out the story. Then we started shooting and the film kept merging and developing into what you see in the competition. The film in the competition is not the finished deal, it's more like a teaser/trailer for the bigger one.

I guess the true story happened AFTER the shoot. There were about 5 days of post production and extra shots before Wilma destroyed everything. That's the real story, how Wilma affected the cast and crew and how they came together to help eachother and get this film done.

Liza lost her home/studio. Lalo had his car damaged. Vanessa had her car damaged. They all were without power and STILL ARE, weeks after Wilma left. Editor had to stop off at hotels and other places on the way up to Sarasota (10 hour drive) to edit the film.

We have 4 hours of BTS footage as well as the editor taping Wilma and his escapades going from place to place setting up his editing equipment to edit the film. Liza took pics during a tornado ripping a wall from her place. That's the story here. And from all of that, we will be making a documentary about making this film. It's quite an ackomplishment considering everything that happened.
CootDog--again, I'm very sorry to hear of the loss suffered by your team in Florida. I wish them all the best as they struggle to get back on track.

As for your movie, you have some very impressive shots. The TV effect is particularly impressive, and the
bloody afternmath
also works well.
The close up of the blood on the cheek looked a little too bright and bubbly, but the rest of the shots were convincing.
Obviously, given the circumstances it was difficult to put this film together, but I hope to see an extended cut of this someday (if it is possible). It just feels like there is more story in here, and hopefully you can help it claw its way out.
Can someone explain why these voters (and new members) have the same IP address?



I know that ralo and director dave were using an internet cafe which was powered by a generator.

I don't know about the others.
Nobody else had used my computer and it didn't allow me to vote :grumpy: so I don't know what happened there.

Must be your browser. Try pressing Ctrl + F5 for a hard refresh.
You'll know how we did the FX and all that soon. We have to get power back in FL before pics and footage can get tossed around.

I can't wait for the extended version. There will be more FX too!
Say what?

I'm going to start out by saying that I'm a pretty harsh critic. I'm also pretty new to the group, and you seem like a tight nit bunch... which doesn't help that me earn points with you guys. I appreciate the time and energy put into this competition - and I respect everyones participation.


Story worked perfectly, acting was great overall
you sure that didn't have a budget, looks great
I think this film was really well put together! Makes you want to see a full-length movie about it!
with shots like that your not to far off from getting funding!
As for your movie, you have some very impressive shots.

Ya know... I'm just not seeing it.
I don't see any craft in the lighting.
The acting seemed thin... poorly blocked and captured.
Camera work felt lacking.
Story was a little bland - got the point from the first sequence. No suprises, no development.
The use of the filter effect is a little unclear - are we seeing a "distorted world?"

Please explain.

It doesn't feel like it's on the same level as "Talking Dead" - and the comment on this thread make me think that the people involved became new members of IndieTalk and voted for their baby, whether it was the best or not.

The only reason I'm singling this one out is because of the attention it's getting, and the ranking it's recieving. Like I said... I just don't see it.

Again, I know I'm coming accross as the jerk - but these are my thoughts. I'd love to hear other perspectives, and I'm more than willing to digress if given good reason.
I don't take your comments as being a jerk at all. I welcome them! And thanks for saying what you did. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

The chapstick on the lense was put there for all the death shots. I guess you could call it a distorted world. That's Liza's handy work, she did that when we first started shooting the blood scenes and we went with it and decided to keep it there in the blood.

There were a lot of great camera work BUT you didn't get to see too much of it. We have dolly shots, etc and quite a few VFX shots that couldn't be done in time for this deadline.

There was debate about putting in the news caster due to leading, but we went with it here because some of the other shots were not available.

About the lighting.. I am not a lighting guy but I'd like you to expand on what you mean specifically.