archived-videos Casting Call

Casting Call

Well you all.. We made it. We lost the audio recordings that were still on Liza's machine when the tornado hit.

So what you see is what you get.

Let me know what you think and VOTE!!!:yes:
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Upvote 0
I dont know

I dont know, just talking about the vote being withdrawn and if people were cheating or what was going on.
I think the best thing we could do is let the issue drop. The purpose of this site (in my eyes, at least) is to help and support each other in our projects. Dwelling on an issue like this seems too 'negative' ...
I think it sux that something I was on the lead on, ended abruptly and no award given. Wether you or shawn or both are the same person, I don't know but I just think it sucks. we know why multiple IPs were used to vote for my film and they were removed. I just haven't heard an explaination for you.
I think too much and not enough has already been said. This whole thing sucks. Shawn and Dylan are not one in the same but it's funny that you guys would think that. It's also impressive that you think we would stoop to a level of talking crap about your film in order to get more votes for ourselves. I am Keith Golinski the photographer and editor of Talking Dead. I have sat idely by and watched this unfold. Dylan is the writer and Director of Talking dead. Shawn Melton is the photographer of no strings attached. Shawn told Dylan and Myself about the contest and we thought it would be fun to enter. We (dylan and myself) own our own company and Shawn owns a 3-D animation company. We share the same Floor of an office building and the same wireless network. Shawn and Dylan are not one in the same. I'm impressed at the story that you guys have concocted though. you may have a job in pictures.

We never cared about winning the peoples choice award we could care less. Not to say that the votes we did get didn't mean anything to us. I think the talking dead thread speaks for itself. The remarks we received from total strangers was reward enough for us. For you guys to accuse us of stacking the vote however...enough has been said about that already.

It's too bad. This whole thing is just too bad. It's ruining it for everyone else.
For the record, IndieTalk is not accusing anybody of anything, we just need to do the popular vote a different way next time. Let's move on. :)
I have to say that this is has put a bad taste in the mouth and I personally don't like it. There are perfectly reasonable explainations why multiple people would have the same IP address. An office building running on 1 internet T1 with 1 firewall. If 50 workers are there, they could all vote but would all show the same IP address. I think that we do need to visit how the "People's Choice Award" is run next time. We'll need some rules.

To the "Talking Dead" crew and Shawn. I'm sorry if you felt I was accusing you all of padding the votes. I guess that even if you were or weren't it shouldn't be an issue now. I really do appreciate the Critique Shawn. I've said it many times and hope you believe me. "Talking Dead" is a great short and it blew me away. Very good story and very well put together. The locations were pretty awesome, made me feel like I was there.

I guess I shouldn't be talking about another film in this thread, but I just want to leave this thing, this anamosity and tension, right now... I want it to end. May the best film, win. It's up to the judges now.

I'm sorry for the people that voted in the people's choice award. We'll figure it out next time and hopefully have a winner.
I agree... bad taste all around. I'm washing my hands of it. I'm wishing I hadn't offered my opinions at all.
I'll post my comments on "Talking Dead" - then, I think I'll be checking out of this forum... Not because of the voting or whoever wins or loses - I really don't care -- but because I don't think things are on the level (administration excluded). It seems like accusations have been back handed, and I'm not interested in being a part of it. Too schitzophrenic for me.

CootDog - I appreciate the apology.
IndieTalk and Bophe - thanks for babysitting us.
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Originally Posted by bird
If I had voted for either of the frontrunners, I think I'd rescind my vote for 'bad sportsmenship

Ditto, and ditto, again. Quit whining, neither of you guys have been victimized. We voting members knew what the h*ll was happening. Thanks for ruining the people's choice with your little manuevers.
I got to step up for the Talking Dead folks here. They stated that they all work in the same building, so this explains the number of accounts coming from the same IP (at least for now anyway).

Don't get down on them because they were accused of cheating when they didn't feel that they had and now are a bit put off by our normally accepting communities' criticism of them.

I ain't got no beef with anyone. I don't even have any bacon...

There's no need to leave, Shawn. Misunderstandings happen, and yes, this seemed a little paranoid on both ends, but to the average, uninvolved person, it's no biggie.

Stick around, Shawn- I loved your critique. You seem like a knowledgable fellow- let's just all put aside our differences and continue on the quest for knowledge.

This is a friendly enviroment- I think the heat of the competetion got the better of some people- but that's over in a few days, and we can get back to discussions!

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