Can I get dolly tracks that you can bend shapes out of?

I couldn't find any online like that, but some shots I want to be able to move the camera from say, one side of a conference room table to the other side.

I would have to have tracks that form the shape around the table, and it's size. So are their any tracks that you can make shapes out of rather than buying a curved track which is not enough to do the job? Or if it's more affordable I can get a glidecam but not many people know how to use it, and I want to just pay attention to the actors and the monitors as director, rather than learn it myself and hope I do well.

Or I could go hand held if that will look professional. Paul Greengrass has inspired it, but I've never seen him go handheld all the way around a table though.
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Glide Gear makes rubber tracks (like this). No idea how well they work, or how they keep their distance uniform.

I could go hand held if that will look professional. Paul Greengrass has inspired it, but I've never seen him go handheld all the way around a table though.

I'm not sure anyone's been able to pull that move off yet. You should go for it!
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Seems like rotating the camera around the table has been done to death in films. I'd suggest something more unique - maybe a cable cam? Fly it from one side to the other, above the actors...
I'm not doing it the way it's been done a lot. I'm doing a faster rotation towards a certain character, at a certain time. Not that slow rotation that is done so often, if that's the one you mean.