archived-videos C*r*a*p

I'll type more of a review after I finish laughing...!

Wait, there's a little kid knocking on my door...

...I'll be right back...
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"You don't have to worry about ZenSteve anymore...

...He went to where annoying people go!"


Luckily I'm not a Judge for this... good job on not calling out Poke...

...oh wait... :eek:


Nice short. I'll add more later Monday :)
Hahahaha....that was very funny. I knew Arnold was doing good out there in CA. Getting rid of those 2 was a great way to "poke" fun at the board. It was shot very nice. Great title! I really had a good time watching this one.

Buttom line- See this one if you don't like Zen or Poke. Just Kidding.
Zensteve said:
Just noticed that one of the Bophe guys was taken out, too. :lol:

Yes, but I didn't get a special thanks at the end...he must have been serious about me!


...who is that kid knocking at my door again????...
I think I could take that kid! I mean it, he's comin' at me with TP for goodness sake! I squirt a little water on his ammo, and I'm golden!

BTW, anyone notice that the ending was left open - Prepare for the sequel..."C*R*A*P II: The Annoying Strikes Back."


PS cibao, tell your son he is quick with those costume changes!
I'm still laughing myself silly each time I load this up.

It reminds me of the old "Police Squad" tv-series (before it became "Naked Gun" on the big screen)

The headgear-swapping was genius. The shot of the Commando as he first enters (backlit with fog) was really good. There was something really hilarious about the way Violeta couldn't seem to focus on anything while she talked... eyes and face just wandering all over the place. Offset against the straight-faced chief who is delivering some of the most absurd setups with a very deadpan face.

Commando lobbing that TP like a hand-grenade was awesome, too.

Comedy-gold :cool:

I like the concept. Fortunately we don't have any annoying people in New England, so I'm not worried about the program going national.

Seriously, though, the film was well done. The music could be a notch lower, but that's probably just a matter of personal taste.

Good acting job by all!

Was there a stick of gum in the "kit?" That would have rounded out the props for all three IndieTalk competition rounds.
Zensteve said:
I'm still laughing myself silly each time I load this up.

It reminds me of the old "Police Squad" tv-series (before it became "Naked Gun" on the big screen)

Thanks all. I loved "Police Squad"!! The tv show more so than the movies. That's interesting too. In writing and shooting this there was no influence, but now that you mention it, there must have been a ton of subconscious influence.

Sorry about the lack of credits John, but you were an ad lib, and I forgot to put it in the credits during editing. Anyway, you sort of got hit by a ricochet. I was afraid that I'd mispronounce Paulovich, and I didn't know Spatula's full name!! :lol:

SPaulovich, I'm not a music guy at all. I have a bad habit of forcing music into stuff, because of that. I might have toned it down a little, but also I remember that one of the judges always likes music in his movies (sort of a peanut butter and chocolate issue) so I made sure I had music.

The story behind this short is that I agreed to do a movie for this contest, and decided to knife a drama from 34 pages to 5 pages. It was amazing how my 34 pages could tell the story in 5 pages, which may say something about my writing!! :blush: But it's a very complicated story, that ends in suicide. The acting would have had to be truly precise to fit it into the 5 minutes, and there would have been shots that would end up being 10 seconds in the film that would have taken hours to get. I just couldn't get it started, so I wrote this script in response to Zen's baiting on the boards (and my baiting back)! So Zen was my inspiration. Poke got included because he's Poke (and for the record, I love this board and don't find anyone annoying...well maybe Poke :lol: )

The changing hats was also an ad lib. It started with an oh no, we need a baseball cap, and turned into which one do you want to wear, with a pile of them. What the heck, wear them all, and here are a couple of others to add to it!

Thanks all for your comments, and we did have fun!

Spatula said:
Full name: Sir Limbagh Samuelson Goliath the third (esq.)

There you have it...

Sir Limbagh Samuelson Goliath the third esq
John Henderson...​

John Henderson it is! :yes:

cibao said:
There you have it...

Sir Limbagh Samuelson Goliath the third esq
John Henderson...​

John Henderson it is! :yes:


Damn. Taken out for having an easier-to-pronounce name.

Poke said:
So be honest, does GW really find me annoying?


Well last time I talked to him, he was on the fence. He said that this voting thing worried him, but I stood up for you and said that you'd do the right thing. He said, "We'll see", but I know that he'll be okay with you after you take care of business... :yes:
