Hey guys,
I was wondering if you could help me. I am in a desperate need of a blue screen for a shoot I have to do tomorrow. It has to be at least 10x15 minimum. Maby there is a cheap way I could get one or if you know of a place in the LA area that sells them that would be so amazing. Its a student film (high school). NOTE: yes i know of tube tape but i dont have time for shipping. THANK YOU!:)
Stop by a fabric store to see if you can get material that size and in that color. I would avoid using a tarp as a bluescreen as it will reflect light a little bit.
Keep in mind that most craft and sewing stores will only have fabric in square yards so you'll likely have to sew them together and have seams.

Try finding a store that sells material for drapes. LA is a big city, I'm sure you'll find somewhere that sells that. Curtain/drape material is 3 yards wide and then sold by the yard. If you decide to go with a bright green the upside is it would probably be cheaper since it's ugly for drapes....

EDIT: And if you get material of any sort, don't forget to iron it unless you'll be stretching it out on some sort of frame.
Well, I'm interested to hear the outcome.

Either he found some fabric, or Valley High's mascot colors just got forcibly changed to blue due to the paint the film class used in the gym. :)
Also late, I got fabric for my shoot from a local fabric store and stretched it out (its was very fluffy and stretchy.) Worked like a charm, hopefully you search fared well!
Freakin' smurf wannabes ruin EVERYTHING.

I know right, how dare ANYONE try to impersonate the most peaceful species living on this planet!!!


I bought a massive piece of bright green fabric from my local souq which is an arabian market basically.
they had a million rolls of different colours and you just say 'that one' and they cut whatever. cheap too!
