Big props to indie talk

Hey guys, I've been a member for a few months now and just wanted to show my appreciation to indie talk. 99% of the members are great and i have received a lot of great advice from you guys already. This is the best place for filmmakers of all skills and there are some very talented folks on here. So thanks :)
Who's the 1%?



Yep, this site is great. One thing I noticed, a couple months back:

So, every now and then, I have a specific question that I need answered, and this is obviously a great resource for that. That's very beneficial, of course, but that's only what is going on on the surface.

Beneath the surface, I think the great thing about taking part in this forum is that it gets you thinking about stuff. Stuff you might not have thought of, otherwise. With such a diverse group of people -- cinematographers, sound guys, directors, writers, actors, composers, rookies, and pros, etc., we get a really wide array of opinions (and expertise) on a million different subjects. I find that it keeps my filmmaker mind active, and constantly developing, even when I'm not seeking out any specific info.

There is a huge wealth of information here, plenty of people who want to give you feedback on your stuff, and a general sense of "we are all in this together." I too tip my hat to IT.
We're like fight club for independent filmmakers. What happens in fight club stays...with the traveling sisterhood of pints.

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We're like fight club for independent filmmakers. What happens in fight club stays...with the sisterhood of traveling pints.

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