Beginning, ???, End..HELP.

It seems that after a number of completed screenplays, I've acquired writers block. Currently, I am beginning the process of writing another screenplay. I know the basis of what I want in the film, but I just can't decide on a conflict for the middle.

Perhaps I should not give away my ideas on here, but I am confident in my writing and that whatever you write- mine will be different. So here's the gist of it....

When the world re-created itself a women was the only one left standing, a women who bared a child who too was born a female. It is said that this child was the soul heir to the earth and that God had blessed it with extreme power, most importantly the power to plant seeds where there were none. Through time and harvesting, life emerged itself in full bloom once again.

With new life comes new authority. Shania, a young vivacious women is now ruler of the land and she has created a world where women hold all the cards. Unwilling to be touched by the vulnerabilities of love & life, she has a motto of "those who've helped create it, shall not be tempted by it.". However, as time progresses she meets a man who she cannot help but fall in love with.

Now what? She's created a world where men bow down to her while women stand tall next to them. What can the conflict be? I want it to be something that ends with her lover sitting beside her as an equal rather then a underdog.

I think this idea has a lot of potential if I can only find the perfect conflict that ties everything together. The idea of reversing roles between women and men intrigues me and I think it will make for a very unique feature film. I have a few ideas swimming around in my head, but some how they don't seem to be a good fit. Anyone have any suggestions?
Well there is your conflict. Its a sexist society. Take the lessons from racist societies and apply them to this. Or any society that has a caste system, or any inequalities built in. I'm sure you will find something to use.
I suppose you're right about the conflict part. What I've written isn't set in stone and what I have in mind is nothing like the bible. However, I supposed I do see how you've linked some parts of what I've written to be similar to be the bible. Even if the bible was re-written and the role of man were to be switched with women, that's still something I'd pay to see, haha.
I thought Murdock's suggestions were brilliant. Then, I found it sort of funny, sort of like a possible case of synchronicity when I noticed his tagline (or, re-read it, really, since of course I've noticed it before), and I wondered if it wasn't somehow apropos to your question. You know, it sounds sort of like that book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus . So, as Murdock pointed out, you've described a world that has a caste system (or at least a very rigid class structure).

Is the conflict internal? In that case the story may be about her inner struggle with the conviction that male is bad; however, mounting evidence, perhaps simply her own anecdotal, growing affection and valuation of her lover, grows increasingly contrary to her chauvinistic expectations. Is it external? In that case it may involve her personal experience of her male lover being a worthwhile and valuable part of her life which is in conflict with social and political expectations. Maybe your story mixes both internal and external conflicts.

So, maybe the conflict is as simple as her experience with her lover -and perhaps friends of her lover- contradicting her or her society’s expectation that the male is of little value or that males are subhuman etc. Maybe the resolution of such conflict involves her and her female dominated society realizing that life really isn’t complete with only its yin but without its yang.

As far as sharing ideas go, as you no doubt know, you cannot copyright ideas (Thank God! The lawmakers got that right, at least). So, whatever ideas I.T. users might shoot out there, nothing says you can’t use them. You should, if they help. We ought to know that that’s the whole idea of answering a question like this. It’s about you making them yours, if they work. If a responder has a problem with that…well then, they shouldn’t respond. :P

Best of luck.
Well, to stay with the theme of opposites, only men choose their mates. In order for your ending to happen, there has to be a time where the man is totally turned off by Shania and she slowly gains his love through deeds. Character arc of the male lead. Think Han and Leia on an opposite, bizarro planet.
Richy, thanks for commenting! You've put forth some really good questions and suggestions.

I completely agree with you on the part about taking others ideas. Asking questions and getting suggestions is the reason why I love forums and sign up for them. Not to take others ideas, but just gather suggestions that could get my mind rolling.

CamVader, very good suggestion. I like the idea of having the man turned off by Shania at some time.

Thanks guys!
well, another approach..

in your world only a FEW males are needed to fulfill the "procreative" needs of the society. So rather then having them be "low caste" perhaps they are "celebrities" ....of course they are spoiled, indulged etc. They're only power is in that they can chose who they mate with.

What I'm suggesting is a society with two basic levels, the political, business, important stuff is all women, no men allowed. In contrast the sub culture of sex and mating becomes a ritual \ stylized competitive. One thing that is the ultimate taboo, to fall in love with a man.
I always find a main source of conflict comes from when your protagonist solves something, but inevitably makes things worse, either because they are enlightened to that new piece of information or leads them to become the "outsider".

Also, here are some questions that come to mind: what are the societal ramifications of her considering this new line of thought, what will her advisors think, what will her friends say, who is she to elevate a puny man to the same level as a woman, what are the laws already in place to prevent the rise of men, is there a waring tribe or antagonist that can use this love affair to his/her advantage, is there an oracle or sage that gives advice, maybe there is a prophecy, are the men enslaved and if so, will the man she fell in love with betray her trust to help his own kind, is there something that keeps the natural strength of men dormant, etc...

Hope that helps, sounds like a fun one.