Before I die, I want to make a film.

Hello, my name is Jesse Harris and I've recently been diagnosed with brain cancer. But I'm not mad, I'm motivated. Two years ago I moved to LA to do one thing. Make a movie. And before I die, I want to do just that. My doctor says I have about 8 months left, and all I can think about is getting as much money as I can from family, friends, and strangers to make a film. A comedy, because I love to make people laugh. I'm looking for financing from every source I can think of, and that includes begging. Any donation will help. Thank you.

Please go to:
I’ll probably go straight to hell for even asking my questions,
but since I’m pretty sure I’m heading down the road to hell anyway
I’m gonna ask.

Do you have a script?
How much money to you need to make this movie?
What will you be doing on the project?
What happens if you get the money you need, start shooting and
then get too sick to continue?

To ward off (just a little) that road to hell I’m already on I
will assume that you are legit and this isn’t a sick scam. I have
a few more questions...
I wouldn't wait until you have enough money. write or obtain your script and get a camera somehow then round up some actors who will work for free and do it. Doesn't sound like you have enough time to go the traditional route. you should also find an assistant/partner who can finish it if you get too ill. Let me know if you need stock footage from Juneau AK like the ocean or Glaciers or forests, etc..
I think your much more likely to get donated time and materials. Camera and sound crews, actors, etc all might respond with a willing hand.

This might sound bad, but think about it seriously: Plan on a posthumous release. Manipulative as it is, your film will certainly will have greater appeal after your dead. What is the REAL point anyway? Answer, To leave a lasting mark! So use your impending demise to its fullest value.

I'd write as many of my ideas, whether in script or treatment form, down and save it for my beneficiaries to polish and/or sell it to whoever. Or just keep them for other people in my family to read and think what it could have been.

I'm sorry to the OP, but I call BS on this. I find it hard to believe that if you have this short of time to live that you'd waste time posting on the internet instead of going out and living your dream. If I'm wrong I apologize, but I am way too cynical for my own good.
Pardon me if this is callus. But if you are terminally ill, why not take out a bunch of credit cards to make the movie? It's not like you'll really end up having to pay them off...

Kevin Smith financed Clerks largely on credit cards.<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

"based on undiscovered evidence"
I'm going to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, why not...

This may be off topic:

If you have a full eight months to live, I would spend that time looking at alternative cures such as Ozone, MMS, Vit C megadose therapy, Caisse Tea, B17, Anne Wigmore and Wheatgrass. Whether these protocols work or not is beyond the scope of this thread, but I have had success in general health matters with these substances. Many, many people have outlived death sentences given by doctors by decades. David Wolfe, Stone, Klenner, Anne Wigmore, Rene Caisse etc for more information.

Cancer Tutor and Curezone are good sites.

Good Luck.
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If you have a full eight months to live, I would spend that time looking at alternative cures such as Ozone, MMS, Vit C megadose therapy, Caisse Tea, B17, Anne Wigmore and Wheatgrass.

But not all at the same time!


You left out TCM(herbs and acu) and medical Qi Gong. I have literally seen neural growth in the form of reversed paralysis with these therapies. Not to mention, before anti-retrovirals became available, TCM doctors were the only doctors keeping folks with HIV and AIDS alive.

*disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, so please talk to yours before taking any medical advice you read on the internet :)
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But not all at the same time!

Haha yes. That's a serious point, the above therapies are so powerful that the tumor can break off and casue death. You've got to do plenty of reading first.

Qi Gong is a staple in many Chinese hospitals and there are tons of huge successes with it.

Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor either.
western doctors can be negative.......>>sg brown rice/tumeric,veggies,water,no caffeine, weed or smoking,drinking,NO fruit...consume pau d'arko ci gong,deep breating until sweating profusely{60 minutes a day}.eat raw garlic 3 times a day until your smelly all da time......0 junk food/sugar....& don't listen to doctors.......your mind is stronger over tumor...believe it.......pace will sweat out of day to become a movie maker.....BE POSITIVE.......SWEAT IT OUT, but be gentle......
but sometimes brain tumors are resilient......
make your movie about steps of your recovery........document your progress..........if you die in your movie making process,you'll be a star on youtube.........i'll give you 5 stars...
i know,it's easy to say............good luck.....
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Take a camera and film the last eight mos. What life is like knowing the time you are going to die.
In fact, its an interesting pov all around.

What if you found out when you were going to die? What would you do differently?

I would document myself and my own pov. I would take my camera everywhere and narrate through my daily routine. I would talk to the camera as though I were talking to God at night and listing all the things that bother me.

I would edit it each day so not to get too far behind.

You don't need a lot of money for that. You need a camera, a computor and something to edit what you do. The camera could be the shrink, the old friend and the cold hearted truth.
i highly doubt that 'jharris' will be visiting this forum again.
and im sure if you looked you could find something very similar to this on countless other forums with the same link. If youre proper gonna die then all the best, see ya in the next life, you can give me and our good friend wheatgrinder a slap when we get up there :P ( for being so negative)

and please do inform us if you ever manage to make that movie. im sure we'd all love to see it :)
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You're right, Smurfy.

This is a sick scam. This guy posted all over the place. Clearly
hoping that if he posted on enough places a few people would
fall for it and give him some money. For every person who is
truly in need, there are five people like this guy. It hardens
my heat and messes with my compassion. As I'm sure it does
to others.
Ah, life is too short to be jaded. I am trying to teach my self to be without guile. Turn this thread into "what would you do if you knew you were dying in eight months? "

I like the idea of filming your life. Would be cool to rig a helmet cam like setup that sat on your shoulder and filmed all you conversations..

Just finished reading an old favorite, "Enders Game.," and the concept of a "speaker for the dead" comes to mind. Or that movie "Final Cut" with robin Williams. (did anyone else fall in love with that editing suite!
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