Badgers fighting Hamsters!!!!!!

They already got this guy.


King Goldfish said:
my badger turned into a red x :(


me and a friend were out last night at 3am....:weird:...walking....... and we came across a badger (me thinks) and it stared at me. no, it stared right through me, as though before its very eyes it could see my beginnings and my end, as though inside its mind my fate was already decided.
then, I swear, it smiled.
if what you say about them being able to turned into boxes.....then i think that perhaps they may already rule over us, why only just now, my keyboard is starting to feel a little hairy. and the mouse is looking at me..... :weird:
If only the badgers and hamsters could learn to sing, altogether now

"megalothymia and isothymia working together in perfect harmony"
for those with a slight interest (and if you are not, shame on you)- a final tally has been made of votes casted by doctors and students alike. the hamsters were thoroughly defeated by the badgers.
so there we have it.
...once the Hamster-Badger war is at hand, will we not, my bretheren, be in need of a battle hymn?
How about "Hamsters On Parade" by Rage Against The Badgers? :D

--spinner :cool: