Badgers fighting Hamsters!!!!!!

I'd have to go with the badger in this battle. A hamster might be more fierce and smaller, but one swat from the badger could easily take the hamster out.

That's what you think, but look at the facts. Do you remember Godzilla 2000? You know, the recently fantasic remake of the old series. I'm not talking about the Matthew Broderick version either- this one was Japanese, and in the style of the old movies (giant rubber men in kleenex box cities).
Now, Godzilla was up against an alien here, who was able to replicate Godzilla's "Regenerator G" chromosome, which allowed him to quickly heal from impact. With the more advanced technology, and godzilla's power, all to himself, the humans knew there would be no option- the bigger, badder monster would defeat godzilla.
But when the monster put godzilla's head in his mouth, in an attempt to swallow, Godzilla unleashed his firey breath, explosing the monster from the INSIDE.
Then, after Godzilla eats the secretary-general of defense for Japan, he resumes destroying the city.
A little girl asks her father: "Daddy, why does Godzilla keep saving us?"
Her father responds: "Well... Maybe there is a little Godzilla in us all."

So you see- that proves the Hamster would win! Although the badger is bigger and meaner, the hamster would just lunge down the throat of his adversary and release his firey breath, exploding the badger from the inside.
Hamsters are notorious for lodging themselves in places, it's in thier instinct. It's what they do. That's why they call them Hamsters.


BTW- all that Godzilla stuff is absolutly true- see the movie, it's a riot.
My money is on
Yes, Nique, I have a few questions as well.

1) What weight class?

2) What venue and how far above sea level is it?

3) Either one wearing emerald green shorts?

4) Which side is God on? (because I'm a betting woman)
1) any weight class - badgers and hamsters don't judge potential combatants according to weight to according to the anger in their eyes. Anger in eyes is a concept. Anger in eyes is weightless.
2) It is a global fight (some may take it to space). It is a fight transcending country, cultures and continents. Under sea, above sea, beyond sea - its all kicking off everywhere
3) all fights take place naked in my fights. its a rule i had to learn at a young age.
4) The God in this day and age is a calculating one and is waiting til he finds out the winner before he declares his love/hate for hamster/badger. Both sides say they do not need him, leaving him with one really really really BIG red face.
Thank you, Nique. Contingent upon the Badger being a southpaw, I'm betting a hundred Hamsters it'll be a sixth round TKO.
Let's look at the FACTS, folks

1) any weight class - badgers and hamsters don't judge potential combatants according to weight to according to the anger in their eyes. Anger in eyes is a concept. Anger in eyes is weightless.

Have you EVER looked into the eyes of a hamster (and lived to tell the tale)??
Those black beady eyes are constantly plotting, searching, brooding... waiting... patiently waiting...
The anger is there, under a constant veil of evil solitude and dark nothingness.

2) It is a global fight (some may take it to space). It is a fight transcending country, cultures and continents. Under sea, above sea, beyond sea - its all kicking off everywhere

Hamsters were the first colonists of space. This is a little known fact. Who do you think designed space stations? They have an uncanny resemblance to Hamster colonies on Earth....

3) all fights take place naked in my fights. its a rule i had to learn at a young age.

Hamsters are born naked. No fur, no sweat. They are bred for one purpose- killing things while naked.

4) The God in this day and age is a calculating one and is waiting til he finds out the winner before he declares his love/hate for hamster/badger. Both sides say they do not need him, leaving him with one really really really BIG red face.

God is dead. A hamster killed him.

With all these facts put in front of us, the answer emerges.

Spatula said:
1) any weight class - badgers and hamsters don't judge potential combatants according to weight to according to the anger in their eyes. Anger in eyes is a concept. Anger in eyes is weightless.

Have you EVER looked into the eyes of a hamster (and lived to tell the tale)??
Those black beady eyes are constantly plotting, searching, brooding... waiting... patiently waiting...
The anger is there, under a constant veil of evil solitude and dark nothingness.

2) It is a global fight (some may take it to space). It is a fight transcending country, cultures and continents. Under sea, above sea, beyond sea - its all kicking off everywhere

Hamsters were the first colonists of space. This is a little known fact. Who do you think designed space stations? They have an uncanny resemblance to Hamster colonies on Earth....

3) all fights take place naked in my fights. its a rule i had to learn at a young age.

Hamsters are born naked. No fur, no sweat. They are bred for one purpose- killing things while naked.

4) The God in this day and age is a calculating one and is waiting til he finds out the winner before he declares his love/hate for hamster/badger. Both sides say they do not need him, leaving him with one really really really BIG red face.

God is dead. A hamster killed him.

With all these facts put in front of us, the answer emerges.


I'll end it here...been wanting to say this, but had more strength before!

If a hamster isn't even strong enough to fight it's way out of Richard Gere's you know what, how the heck do you think they'll take on a BADGER! :rolleyes:

It was a gerbil, fool... a hamster would have easily made his way out, with Gere's colon in his gnashing fangs.
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Is this a straight fight between A badger and A hamster or more of a gang war type of deal?

One on one it is badger every single time, but hamsters are cunning and it's well known in the world of hamsterology that they hunt in packs, throwing themselves in wave after wave against the largest of foes. In this manner they have been know to bring down elks, bears and even the mighty giraffe is no match for their fury.

Not only this, but I have heard on the grapevine that hamsters are forming a strageic alliance with the guinea-pigs and chincillas. If this is true, no animal will be safe!
clive said:
I have heard on the grapevine that hamsters are forming a strageic alliance with the guinea-pigs and chincillas.

the only thing that keeps us on top of the 'animal table of power' is that we have rational capabilities. if what you hear is true then perhaps our esteemed place is almost up. Enjoy it while you can everyone.

Today is the last day of the age of man; tomorrow is the first of the age of the hamster.

My university doubles up as a massive campus, and on it is this man made 'The Environment' where they have hords of hamsters. In the first week me and a friend got lost at night, and found ourselves face to face with ten hamsters. I did what any rational man would do.

I offered my life to the hamsters. They declined. They know that I will be a useful mechanism in the upcoming battle of epochs. Their minds are growing...
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Thank god... I thought I was alone in this presumption... now there's proof..

Is there something we can do? Surely we can't be doomed?

Wait... I have a solution. Everyone- go to your nearest Vaccuum shop and stock up on tube-suction vaccuums. We won't go down without a furry fight.

This is a call to arms against the Hamster. We'll suck thier furry little bunions up... and teach the badgers the ways and techniques of the lesser (but greater still) rodent, so they may fight at our side.

This is war, people. War like we have never known war before.

There is a glimmer of hope, here:

Read this. Not only will you gain insight as to the tools we need to defeat the hamster meanace, but you will be thoroughly amused at how many times "hamster" "anus" and "diarrhea" are used in the same sentance.

King Goldfish said:
What if the hamster is armed?


it appears to have a weapon as a left eye. thats no hamster. thats a fake hamster!
you fraud King Gold, its clear that you have drawn a line in the sand when it comes to sides in this.
Now the Goldfish have joined the hamsters!They just need something in the air to complete the circle of nature.....
Well Crap...
*mikey d says while cowering under his desk*

and to think I placed my allience with the roaches. I thought for sure they would be the ones taking over the world.

They sure were taking over my first apartment.
Neither the Badgers nor the Hamsters were prepared, when the kittens started "voting from the rooftops."

Enter third party! Maybe there must be a Hamster-Badger Alliance to deal with this new common foe?

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