I just read that. Omg, I love the farmers they quoted. Mate it's a crap bloody pain in the arse (but they spelt it wrong
). Classic.
I think the first one's estimate's a little off though, unless he was just talking about his area. Apparently the damage bill is set to tip a billion dollars.
Amazingly that was actually a mostly informed, accurate article. It actually said 'yes, Australia spends many years in drought and then floods, that's its climate' instead of causing hysterics by claiming this weather is abnormal. However, I disagree with two things. First, this stupid phrase the media has coined 'inland tsunami' is fucking ridiculous. The words contradict each other dammit.
Second, the scientist they quoted. He mentioned how water intensive our farming is and wondered why we grow cotton and rice. Rice, I would have to agree, we probably don't need to be growing so much of, but cotton is a huge export here. Know what else is a multi-billion dollar industry? Beef. Know how much water it takes to make a kilo of beef? 50 to 100 thousand litres. Know how much it takes to make a kilo of rice? 1550 litres. Take that Mr scientist man.
Anyway, yet again I've taken myself way off topic. My point was, thanks for posting that. It's nice to read articles that generally seem to know what they're talking about occasionally lol