Aussie Films

Hey guys!

just a curious question. how many of you out there know of many Australian films? current and non-current; and what you think about them?

cause even though i live down here, Australian films are not that known amongst the public (...unless you go ahead and call the damn thing AUSTRALIA!!). Don't get me wrong, there are many great Aussie films, and the most successful are known. but 995 out of 1000 times, American (amongst others) films takes up our screens, TVs, billboards, magazines etc etc.

and the Aussie films that do screen, aren't usually that successful, or promoted well or long enough and therefore, not really known.

of course i can name a few off my head that are-
Mad Max
Happy Feet
Samson and Delilah
Wolf Creek
The Castle
Moulin Rouge
and of course... Crocodile Dundee
...theres more

i'm sure you'd recognise most of them??

but unless you are part of the Australian film culture, i reckon most Aussie cinema just goes by unnoticed by the general public. Heck, if i didn't subscribe to an Australian film magazine, i wouldn't even know most of the time!

my point is; if Australian films aren't that big down here, do they even register up there?
and whats the general consensus on Aussie films and filmmakers?

cheers :D
Two very good ones:

The Year My Voice Broke



-- These both star the same lead actor and are some-what tied together. Noah Taylor plays the lead...he's a very awkward Aussie actor I love (played Hitler in Max with John Cussack).

It basically follows the coming of age of a kid. Nicole Kidman is in Flirting (she's very young and very cute).

Funny you should start this thread...I *just* watched Beyond Thunderdome last night on NF streaming. It may not be as good as 1 or 2...but it's still very fun and has its moments.
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AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE! :D (sorry, couldn't resist)

A-hem, anyway.

48 Shades of Brown
Muriels Wedding
Priscilla: Queen of the Desert
Animal Kingdom

That's all I can think of right now. Have you seen 'Not Quite Hollywood'?
I know you weren't asking for your list to be expanded on, but I live here too so I can't answer your question.
Just thought I'd show some love :P
Besides some of the others mentioned, I loved "Dead Calm," Nicole Kidman's breakthrough pic. Some pretty inventive film-making, and the tension throughout the pic is palpable. Phillip Noyce, director. Can't be easy filming on water.

M1chae1 said:
..I *just* watched Beyond Thunderdome last night on NF streaming. It may not be as good as 1 or 2...but it's still very fun and has its moments.

i agree. this was actually the first mad max i saw, i was only young and had no idea what was the plot was, but i loved the cage fight scene. as any young boy would!
nothing will beat the original though. good ol' mel!;)

Have you seen 'Not Quite Hollywood'?

YES! i love that doco! we did make some strange films didn't we? :yes:

and please everyone feel free to add to the list!
YES! i love that doco! we did make some strange films didn't we? :yes:

I know! How awesome would it have been to be involved in the film industry before there were serious laws and regulations and stuff?! It'd just be like fooling around with your mates, blowing shit up and setting things on fire, and driving cars into buses and having lots of naked women around then at the end of it you've got a movie. Stupid liability. Ruin film making for us young-uns. -_-
Oh, I thought of a couple more;

Look Both Ways
Oyster Farmer

ang <3
Oops. I wasn't aware there was down-under rivalry. I said it's not an Aussie movie! Sorry. You do know you're my fave on here, right?
Oh come on, Australia, NZ... USA, Mexico, it's all the same ain't it CF? :lol:
One of my favorite films of all time is Austrailian, "Dingo" by Rolf de Heer, starring Colin Friels and jazz icon Miles Davis. First learned of it from the soundtrack, which was released just after Davis died. Spent years trying to guess the story from the track titles. Took me until LAST SUMMER to finally track a copy down, through Netflix. And the copy appeared to be taped on VHS off TV before being transferred to DVD.

It was that rare occasion where you seek something to the ends of the Earth for many years and not only does it not let you down, it's actually way better than you imagined.
Lol. The Aussie/Kiwi thing is something like the US/Canada thing (from what I've gleaned from American tv/film). You remark about that great Aussie actor Russell Crowe to a Kiwi and see how it goes. :P

Anyway. I've never heard of this Dingo movie (which isn't really saying much, since I live in a suburban bubble), what's it about UC?